Well, consider the triumvirate; DC, London & Vatican. Military, Banking & Religious centers in order. Vatican is my pick. Unless you wanna consider Reptilians...and I’m all for that 😂
Yessir...I just got a version with 3 seperate translations. Familiar with general story, but looking forward to digging-in!! (I got 3 or 4 books half-read now, ugh).
Four of the worst fallen angels if memory serves me right... (I forget their names) are locked under that dam in Iraq. I’ll try to find the source of this info and post it here. I want to say they’re supposed to be loosed during the tribulation but I could be wrong...
You’re spot on with your post tho, I’d be fantastically surprised if it’s some human calling the shots, it’s likely going to be an soul-jumping entity of some sort, whether Satan, Lucifer, or something else that’s been hidden.
Crazy, first link when I input “angels under dam” brought me to a army core of engineers video (red castle) with the right dam (Haditha Dam) but no mention of the fallen angels... I’ll add that when I find it.
“Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”
Revelation 9:14-15 KJV
The Anti-Christ, according to certain high level “reformed” satanists actually walks Earth presently. I’ve talked to other Christians and Catholics and every last one says, “ no we’re not in End Times yet”. Seriously? By my apprentice-level understanding of The Bible...it’s playing out right now LIKE A MOVIE. Straight-outta Q. Further, has anyone looked-into “The Lost Gospels of Q” here? I believe I was tipped-off to this on GAw, but more importantly I believe there’s a BIBLICAL (Q) tie more blatant you might say...here. Link below. We’re reaching The Awakening and it’s bigger than we know f’real. (Should link to Lost Gospels of Q);
Edit; I’m blown-away you’ve heard of the demon prison under the dam. I actually heard that story IN IRAQ. Not a story to forget? I have minimal details...actually it’s like something’s blocking that story’s memory. Can’t explain.
Well, consider the triumvirate; DC, London & Vatican. Military, Banking & Religious centers in order. Vatican is my pick. Unless you wanna consider Reptilians...and I’m all for that 😂
Except not reptillians,think Nephilim. Buried underground, waiting for end times....
I recall when in Iraq stories about a demonic prison under a dam. Being a scifi/horror/religion history buff it tweaked my mind.
Read the book of Enoch, it explauns a lot of what is going on right now.
Yessir...I just got a version with 3 seperate translations. Familiar with general story, but looking forward to digging-in!! (I got 3 or 4 books half-read now, ugh).
Four of the worst fallen angels if memory serves me right... (I forget their names) are locked under that dam in Iraq. I’ll try to find the source of this info and post it here. I want to say they’re supposed to be loosed during the tribulation but I could be wrong...
You’re spot on with your post tho, I’d be fantastically surprised if it’s some human calling the shots, it’s likely going to be an soul-jumping entity of some sort, whether Satan, Lucifer, or something else that’s been hidden.
Crazy, first link when I input “angels under dam” brought me to a army core of engineers video (red castle) with the right dam (Haditha Dam) but no mention of the fallen angels... I’ll add that when I find it.
“Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.” Revelation 9:14-15 KJV
The 4 angels loosed to slay 1/3 of mankind = Pfizer, ModeRNA, J&J, AstraZenica ?
The Anti-Christ, according to certain high level “reformed” satanists actually walks Earth presently. I’ve talked to other Christians and Catholics and every last one says, “ no we’re not in End Times yet”. Seriously? By my apprentice-level understanding of The Bible...it’s playing out right now LIKE A MOVIE. Straight-outta Q. Further, has anyone looked-into “The Lost Gospels of Q” here? I believe I was tipped-off to this on GAw, but more importantly I believe there’s a BIBLICAL (Q) tie more blatant you might say...here. Link below. We’re reaching The Awakening and it’s bigger than we know f’real. (Should link to Lost Gospels of Q);
Edit; I’m blown-away you’ve heard of the demon prison under the dam. I actually heard that story IN IRAQ. Not a story to forget? I have minimal details...actually it’s like something’s blocking that story’s memory. Can’t explain.
Read the book of Enoch, lots of good info, pertains to what is happening now. History explains present.