It is also illegal per the Nuremberg Codes and Geneva Convention for the military to push ANY meds, especially experimental ones on the American Public by Force! I’m sure this Karen is now on KP Duty. She does not understand the 2nd Amendment then. The Insurrection Act does not any where in it, override the Constitution of The US, PERIOD!! We The People are the last line of defense on our land!
We The People would do fine in a fight yes. But the US Military didn’t lose. Politicians telling Generals what to do with their military, directed them to not do a job correctly. Just like Vietnam. The US Military is fully capable of laying waste to every country on the globe minus China, if the Politicians got out of the way and let soldiers do their job right. Speak highly of our armed services please. But by all means, badmouth the stupid politicians in Washington DC all you want.
Yeah and its the same fuckin people in charge that will be tellin em what to do against patriots... So your point is?......
Also they know whats good and whats evil and they have the choice of what to do also
Fort bliss. That does look like her, nice dig. I wish she showed us a patch. That pic would get her in some shit If it was taken while she served. I’ve seen people lose rank for not wearing a helmet.
It is also illegal per the Nuremberg Codes and Geneva Convention for the military to push ANY meds, especially experimental ones on the American Public by Force! I’m sure this Karen is now on KP Duty. She does not understand the 2nd Amendment then. The Insurrection Act does not any where in it, override the Constitution of The US, PERIOD!! We The People are the last line of defense on our land!
She's in a military that lost a war to men in sandels . I think we would manage just fine fighting back
We The People would do fine in a fight yes. But the US Military didn’t lose. Politicians telling Generals what to do with their military, directed them to not do a job correctly. Just like Vietnam. The US Military is fully capable of laying waste to every country on the globe minus China, if the Politicians got out of the way and let soldiers do their job right. Speak highly of our armed services please. But by all means, badmouth the stupid politicians in Washington DC all you want.
Yeah and its the same fuckin people in charge that will be tellin em what to do against patriots... So your point is?...... Also they know whats good and whats evil and they have the choice of what to do also
That’s most likely this bitches job as it is. She’s a pog (person other than a grunt), and won’t be the one telling any civilians what to do.
I wonder if this is her. I bet she's stationed at a near by military installation. What's close to El Paso?
Fort bliss. That does look like her, nice dig. I wish she showed us a patch. That pic would get her in some shit If it was taken while she served. I’ve seen people lose rank for not wearing a helmet.
cough**cough datzher cough**cough
Can't say more.
Our land is now their land if we are occupied, which I believe we are.
Only DC is truly occupied. The rest is 2A ours to defend.
They will use the old adage "It’s Easier To Ask Forgiveness Than To Get Permission"