I finally figured everything out. And it's so simple.
Piggybacking on my theory that Trump is using this to bankrupt big pharma, I now have the entire plan clearly in focus.
Okay, first, all of pharma is currently caught in a huge game of Russian roulette. The white hats have all of the proof of their misdeeds for the past 100 years. All the lawsuits we never heard about. All the experiments. What certain medications do and don't do. Natural cures silenced.
In other words, genocide.
They are approached with irrefutable evidence by the Trump administration. They are given a choice. Play their role in the movie, and only get hit with the vaccine shrapnel. It'll force them out of business forever but they might make it out alive.
Or get dragged through the streets like Mussolini. They chose the vaccine route.
Now the best part. Why does Trump continually push the vaccine? The more people get it, the more who get in on the lawsuit. The more damaging it is to the entire pharmaceutical industry.
I suspect there will be huge, swift payouts to every person who got the jab. The endgame is two fold.
This leads me to believe at least one of those vaccines is harmless, and the other two do damage to people who have preexisting underlying problems.
Your theory is that Trump is using fellow American's as a tool to dismantle Big Pharma even though the tool he is using could potentially die or have life altering injuries !?!?
I have to disagree with this. Trump is not going to use American lives as collateral.
How about he was duped into believing that the vax is safe/the only way to keep us from 5 years of lock downs and the American life as we know it from imploding.
If he were duped he would very well come out and say it now with all the problems out there.
I'd say it's 99% the vaccine did save us from years long lockdowns. When he first proposed a vaccine, a timeline narrative started getting pushed it wouldn't be available until 2030 at least.. No, I don't think he was duped into thinking the vaccine was the only way to keep us unlocked, I think if anything, with Fauci on his team, he was duped as to the safety of the vaccine.
Edit: So what I'm thinking will come out, C19 was never more than influenza as the PCR test was bunk. But not letting an opportunity go to waste, a fear plandemic narrative was pushed, Trump new it was a bunch of hooey and he didn't develop the vaccine, but rather forced big pharma to, and they, on the sly, used it as a worldwide experiment. So he not only called DS on their bluff, bogus C19, he also had them make the very vaccine that cut it short.
No, Trump quite old.
Think about where we would be in terms of freedom and financial security if Trump did not excel the vaccines to market. Think about the increase in suicides, murders, & unemployment because of the lockdowns and how severe the lockdowns would be now if the vaccine was not available. Trump pushed the globalists off balance when he released the vaccines early, essentially removing their knight off the chessboard. Now the globalists are in a panicked rush to get control before their entire scam falls apart either by people getting sick and dying from the vaccine and bankrupting them or the truth of the faulty tests and number of covid deaths show it's not a real pandemic because people are still alive and healthy. Either way the walls are closing in on them.
Possible countermoves by deep state:
Release a more severe virus, Start a war with Afghanistan to cover election fraud, Antifa rioting in the street, Biden calls China and UN to invade US.
I kinda wish there was no fast track for one reason: We would've made Australias protests look like playdates.
Trump excels in everything.
good point.
I agree. But I also think there are multiple fronts and nothing is still encompassing.
Being dealt the hand he was, I believe part of the revenge or countermove is the class action
Disagree. Trump knew at the time it was a 5 year lockdown or a vax escape to save the economy. He and the Military chose Warp Speed. He trusts Patriots to know not to take the vax. He will reveal that CV has been a Big Hoax (nothing more than seasonal flu re-branded by the DS, fake PCR tests, co-opted death stats and MSM fear-mongering to a brain-washed citizenry). I just wish he would STOP touting the vax because it affects some people at the margin. There will be class action lawsuits and Big Pharma will be exterminated along with all their co-conspirators in NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, WHO, UN, hospitals, doctors, pharmacists, HMOs, etc.
So what you are saying is I should get the jab so I can get some sweet sweet class action payouts? So once again, just like people who load up on debt prior to runaway inflation, the sheep make out like bandits.
No, I'm not getting it either. I think it is part of the reason why he continues to support the idea
Good line of thinking, however DS essentially is/owns big pharma, so I don't quite see them choosing to go against themselves, or their handlers. Even if it is just for vaccines they get fined/pay restitution, they're all megalomaniacs.
Trump is not my savior. I was almost treating him as such for a long while . I have had to repent of that. I'm no longer trying to make excuses for him after a whistle blower said 45,000 Americans died in 3 days after the jab.