A new bill has just been passed in Australia called Identify and Disrupt Bill
Essentially, this bill allows is, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) can log into your Email, your Facebook, Instagram any other social media, and not only view it but actually alter it however they want. They can send emails on your behalf, they can post things on your behalf, they can engage in criminal activity on your behalf in order to reach their objective. And if they want to throw you under the bus, you’re just collateral damage.
There is a petition to repeal this bill
Please pass the word to any Aussies you know to sign this petition and get the word out.
Ah, I indeed misunderstood you. Thank you for your clarification. Do you have an LLC?
When it concerns (m)admiralty law, please visit:
You can download 5 books for every IP address, hence, I would recommend to use a VPN.
The first book you'll see is the Chicago book of style. From there you search for Admiralty: and a lot of books will show.
A beneficial thing to do would be to talk to a spedition expert to lay down the current mechanics of the trade. It will make you familiar with all the aspects of moving a piece of cargo from one port to another, how this intersects with several types of admiralty law, Agreement of Rome I, and the potential application of local jurisdiction law.
If you feel like it, I would also take a bit of time to consider the history of the development of the body of law, and how it was posited to overtake common law in the US.
On zlib there is this book: See on archive the book: US money vs Corporate currency.
Certain manuals are divided in volumes with different names. Like Bills of Lading, etc.
A very practical approach on the intersection of common law and admiralty law is https://de1lib.org/book/5761292/b66aad Follow the name in there and you'll get some amazing videos on youtube and how to act and what to say in confronting overreaching and criminal government agencies.
At any rate, all these issues can be practically employed, whether one would have an LLC or not. The advantage of an LLC is, that it creates a foreign corporate structure for business. Meaning: "UCC-1-207 without prejuidice" applies, meaning, you do not consent to enter in to contracts which are implied instead of with the full knowledge and with the free-volition (without coercion), which coincidentally also happens to be the basis for the Nuremberg Code, health decisions, etc.
Thanks so much for this info, I will get started right away. I dont have LLC but I own a Pty Ltd (I think in US thats some kind of inc/corp). Would that help?
Also even if u have LLC, how does it stop a person from entering an implied contract as an individual, especially in a situation such as a cop enforcing some mandate? Can they not argue that the situation has nothing to do with LLC?
Your PTY only helps you within the two fiction. It does nothing to change the fact you are still a dead body, lacking the capacity to state claims to life and all that comes with it.
When you are alive, you can have lodial title to property. Within the fiction your property rights are always subject to STATE-fiction-rules, meaning, you have no lawful title to property, it is a sort of lease.
When Analschwab says: you'll own nothing and you'll be happy, this is already the case. You do not own your body, let alone added property, like land, vessels, buildings, money (not currency), toaster-ovens.
additionally: under common law, whenever a claim is stated, there must be injury demonstrated.
That is technically a difficult thing when you are faced with a fine.
Of course they can argue that, but it fails for the following reason.
An LLC creates a couple of things.
See, the natural order is God, and then the particular human. Then comes government ( deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. So government is not by the grace of God, but by the grace of the individual.
If they address it to you as a human, then common law should be used. But since there is no valid contract, it is null and void, unless you decide to honor such.
My advice would be, given the amalgamation of common law with admiralty law, to reserve your rights in any communication within 72 hours of receipt of the notice. As I indicated, you only have to mention UCC-1-207 without prejudice, and all your rights are reserved.
Making an equity claim under UCC is then not possible. And if they have to move to common law, they should show the contract which you entered into willingly and with full knowledge, which is non-existent.
This then gives you the position of stating claims and dictating the terms of interaction with due notification.
So, you are not here to destroy the system, but to make it work for you. ANd should it destroy itself, no harm is coming to you, since you have all your assets in your corporate now space as a fact.
You also no longer are acting in the capacity of STATE PERSONA, meaning, as a beneficiary/ trustee. But instead you are acting as the exacutor of your own trust.
You have right of way, free movement.
This leaves you with a lot of choice, on how to go about your business. You can make an official record showing your driving ability connected to your LLC.
It does not change your nationality. Your nativity is with a tribe on soil. It depends a bit on local circumstances. In Germany, they have "Staatsangehörigkeit" meaning: membership of a state. That is not nationality. So, it may be, given the fact that the FRG is a defacto adminsitrative coroporation, yet all those who have the State Membership, also a REICHSBURGER.
From what I have heard, dealing in Germany with this issue, is quite easy, as their system already is setup to accomodate this change,
Piracy is a thing and still heavily punished. Mail fraud is a thing membership of a criminal organisation membership of a terorrist organisation.
You have to be on guard against online contracts, especially those with the STATE.
Thanks! I just started reading one of the books you linked "Are you lost at sea?". Its amazing, I have to read like 4 times to fully understand, but I think I get the basic idea. I had only heard about IRS ruining people's lives, only now I udnerstand what they mean by that.
I feel like when I was kid and my dad would take me to a bookshop. So much to read and learn!
Last November I was researching some stuff on Human Design and needed my nativity time, which is on the, what is called in The Netherlands, a Birth Act.
When I studied that document, I noted it does not relate to me as a human. My mother is mentioned with a nom de guerre (her maiden family name, first name) but not identified, and my father is not even mentioned as my father, but rather makes a what is called: AANGIFTE, meaning: handover. The document is only signed by him and by the civil servant. And no identifying data of them at all. By all standards this is a bullshit document.
Meaning, it is a document full of holes and proofs nothing and it is considered a legal Act. He basically gave me away to the State. Based on that in 1984, I received what was called a Fiscal Number (o horror the word fiscal!) and of late changed to BSN, or Burger Service Nummer = Citizen Service Number.
And now this year, the State approved a law making the state a co-custody holder on all off-spring younger than 18 years of age.
The nom de guerre put me on a path of inquiry considering whether The Netherlands as a country of land and of people is still occupied under foreign flag, or that for a certain reason, admiralty law was introduced. For instance it could have been from it's inception as a Kingdom due to agreements with King George in 1814, introduction of government corporation in 1848, the war, due to the Maritime High Court under SHAEF, 1946 registration as a corporation in Delaware, 1984 registration as a SEC member in Washington DC, or all together as the push for more gov regulation came after that.
It is a huge topic to look into, and we have some very intelligent lawyers working along.
I am leaning towards foreign flag occupation, as necessity is the driver for all these .gov expansions, and according to Geneva Convention- section landwar, necessity is what you can get away with. And since we are not humans but corporations, UDHR does not apply. It's cynical.
I too am learning more everyday!