The local news station in our area is reporting that the CDC tracked a “breakout” of the “delta variant” at a middle school to an unvaxxed teacher. They will start blaming any new outbreak of the alleged “virus” responsible for the plandemic on the unvaxxed thus vilifying those that don’t want to inject their bodies with poison as selfish disease carrying second class citizens. They did the same thing in Nazi Germany where they compared the Jews and any other “undesirable” population as disease carrying vermin. It’s the same damn playbook! We just have to recognize it! History repeats itself.
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Correct. Declining to answer is the best route. You not answering gives you a leg to stand on if you go to Sue. The second you give up that information voluntarily it all goes out the window.
I wonder if that also could backfire.
"Well this employee didnt give an answer so we're assuming that's a "no" and a refusal to comply"
I'm not a "no". There is a 50-50 chance I could be vaccinated or Unvaccinated. You don't know what I am. I will not be subject to discrimination toward the Unvaccinated because you don't know whether I am or not.
Im transvaxx
Depending on the company, they might have a system in place to check for who is and isn't vaccinated. That's how I got written up at my job
Wouldn’t giving a “no” accomplish the same goal?
It's rather the opposite.
If they don't have this information they can easily prove that they have fired you for another reason and it wasn't vaccine discrimination because they didn't know your status so how they could fire you because of the vaccination status?