The Left is so completely whacked that satire can function for only days, hours even, before it is yet again superseded and obviated by their actual ever-ratcheting lunacy.
Between this and thefts under $900 in value not being considered criminal enough for the law to act, emptying out the prisons and insane asylums onto their own streets, calling themselves a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, all with no available housing, turning their parks and streets into an undefined minefield of human excrement and murder -- SF is quite the virtuous egalitarian utopia.
Next question…are they going the Racist route where they believe ppl of a certain race needs payment? Or the Jan 6 route where ppl of a particular political lean?
It's being funded through the Dream Keeper Initiative, which is San Fransisco's effort to redirect funding into the Black community. The initiative supports a variety of programs, including an art complex, youth development and education, guaranteed income programs, and homeowner promotion says Mayor London Breed's office.
Not even the Babylon Bee could come up with that one, lol.
The Left is so completely whacked that satire can function for only days, hours even, before it is yet again superseded and obviated by their actual ever-ratcheting lunacy.
What do I have to do to get in on this?
Uh huh, they’ll take the money then shoot you.
Between this and thefts under $900 in value not being considered criminal enough for the law to act, emptying out the prisons and insane asylums onto their own streets, calling themselves a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, all with no available housing, turning their parks and streets into an undefined minefield of human excrement and murder -- SF is quite the virtuous egalitarian utopia.
Way to go Dems.
a disguise for universal basic income (UBI)?
Next question…are they going the Racist route where they believe ppl of a certain race needs payment? Or the Jan 6 route where ppl of a particular political lean?
It's being funded through the Dream Keeper Initiative, which is San Fransisco's effort to redirect funding into the Black community. The initiative supports a variety of programs, including an art complex, youth development and education, guaranteed income programs, and homeowner promotion says Mayor London Breed's office.
This is called paying the “Danegeld”, look it up. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now….
What fools They could have saved money and paid me $150 a month to not shoot someone.
I'll not shoot people for free!!