Yeah. I got into a debate here with people about that. I was always taught that natural born citizen means you're parents are American citizens and you were born in a US controlled territory. Other people maintain that you only have to be born in the US to be considered natural born but that, to me as a second and fourth generation American seems unnatural. I can't go back to Europe or travel somewhere else. I'd have to learn a completely new language. Well maybe Great Britian but that's not a lot of places to go. Kamala on the other hand could go back to Jamaica or India and be perfectly fine she could also go to Great Britain and perfectly blend in. I'll get robbed if I go to India or Jamaica.
I keep hearing that Kamala isn't eligible because she's an anchor baby. If that's true it'll come up.
Yeah. I got into a debate here with people about that. I was always taught that natural born citizen means you're parents are American citizens and you were born in a US controlled territory. Other people maintain that you only have to be born in the US to be considered natural born but that, to me as a second and fourth generation American seems unnatural. I can't go back to Europe or travel somewhere else. I'd have to learn a completely new language. Well maybe Great Britian but that's not a lot of places to go. Kamala on the other hand could go back to Jamaica or India and be perfectly fine she could also go to Great Britain and perfectly blend in. I'll get robbed if I go to India or Jamaica.
Anchor babies are born in the US are natural-born-citizens and are therefore 100% capable of being the president. So no, she can be president here.
We are one of the few countries that allow this for some reason.
Obama was born in Kenya.