Assuming the Georgia Guidestones is the ultimate plan and all the rants and whining about over population by rats like Bill Gates, politicians, bankers, tech fags and others falls in line with GG, then we may be the enemies of the state right now but ultimately they are prepping the normies for depop.
There are lots of theories about how people like us who refuse it will be taken out but to me, if I look at it from an investment point of view, it makes far more sense to just focus all your energy for depop on the vaccinated.
If you have 80%+ of the world vaccinated and ready to keep taking more, it becomes a risk to push the rest and create an even more authoritarian state. You run the risk of pushing the sheep too far. Almost all the sheep have family members and friends who will refuse.
So once they've achieved their realistic number, imo they will open up the door to the unvaxxed entering society again in full capacity via at home rapid tests which do nothing but give the sheep a sense of security. Over time, the sheep begin dropping like flies but it's too late by then.
Tens of millions of people will not take this shot and that is a massive market financially. There is ultimately no reason to NOT include us with a "negative test" that can be administered at home with a QR code.
If I were a slimy sack of shit parasite faggot communist who knew the world was full of sheep I wanted to kill, this is what I would do.
I agree that their plan is depopulation, but there is always one nagging thing I keep coming back to that doesn’t make sense with depop. Why is Blackrock buying up the entire housing market like hot cakes, and even paying more than asking? The Georgia guidestones say a population goal of 500M and the current world pop is about 7.8B, so if they are only keeping about 6% of us, they will essentially be able to snatch up the houses/land for free. I don’t know, I just can’t make sense of that part.
You might be on to something with the GME thing. That would make sense why they are in such a hurry. I agree that they want to push people out of their homes and make us all renters, but that would only make sense if the population stayed around the same for at least the short term.
One: they have the money and two: its a backup plan for if their main scheme doesn't work out.
The 500 million left will be to ensure some sort of gene pool, and servant, serf roles. Most land will be allowed to return to nature and the globe will be a marvelous playground for the elites Plenty of animals, ocean's and lakes teeming with fish. They envision a happy playground with a permanent servant class: dumbed down, uneducated, hopeless.
What I don’t get is why they are in such a hurry to buy the houses/land right now. With only 6% of us left, they will easily be able to just take what they want for free. Dark thought, but maybe they are only purchasing temporarily to hide all the upcoming vaxx deaths. If there are a bunch of houses flooding the market in an unprecedented wave, then they might have a harder time disguising all the deaths?
Good point.. if their depop plan fails, and I think it will not kill as many as they're hoping for, they will still have property, land etc. Win win for them even if the monetary system is reset and the central banks are destroyed
Thank you for bringing up this topic, this is something I have been wanting to talk about and theorize about.
I would ask who, what why, when, how.
Who = the useless eaters What = covid 19 Why = too many people How = the vaccine and vaccine passports + mandates When = this one perplexes me, why now? 76 years after world war two, has technology advanced to the point where we can do without a great portion of the work force? Have we automated too many jobs and no longer need humans? Has tesla and apple perfected automated driving to the point where truck drivers are no longer needed? Do the elites know something we dont, like is the worlds supply of fossil fuel is about to run out or dwindling? I am reminded about something Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson said about the future and plans royal dutch shell has, how fossil fuels are set to run out supposedly in 2075 ( a pre 2016 estimate?) and how their plan revolves around something called 'blueprint' and 'scramble'. I think we may be in the beginning stages of blueprint.
Former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell - Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson – The Future
I do not think when these corporate types or world leaders get together at their bilderberg meetings that they take actions for any one singular purpose, I think they all try to coordinate so each can play their part so the master plan which is a hidden mosaic gradually comes into view but is obscured from others initially. 2075 - 2021 = 54 years, maybe that is ~27 years for blueprint and ~27 for scramble. I think the only reason you would depop would be over resources, less people chasing less resources allows your non renewable resources to last longer.
I think they chose to go the vaccine route instead of the war route for depop is that I think they know the planet would not survive global thermonuclear war, the world powers understand detente and mutually assured destruction, so may be trying to achieve the same goal by other means.
I do think that if they are actually depopulating that they will eventually reach an oh shit moment, when they realize they have a huge skilled labour shortage in some sectors.
I think a lot about what it would have looked like if their plan went according to plan, if hillary won the 2016 election, and we were at war with north korea, and the united states lost the war and the constitution was abolished.
Davos think. Happening now in a country near you. Profit is the bottom line.
I have recently wondered if Trump and white hats negotiated a deal with the cabal to be given 1 term presidency and ability to wake up as many as he could while remainder get the ax. that's a very simplistic description but I think you get the idea and one shouldn't fault white hats for doing their damnedest to wake people the fuck up
1 term with Trump was too long and damaging? I'm suggesting Trump and white hats were given that 1 term to wake up people
Sorry. Misread. Now that I have read it thoroughly it's a bit of a doom post, downplaying Q, Trump and the white hats. A 3-year delta for the 15th of August shows patriots are in control.
It's not a doom post at all. It's an alternative thinking post.
Not your post. Socrates suggested a deal with the cabal where Trump gets one term to red pill. That to me suggests Patriots being reduced to dumb deals so dooming.
ah ok
I see what you are thinking Bill.
Not sure why you are calling me Bill but this is how an entity looking at this with a two pronged approach would handle it. Make lots of money and kill lots of people while not pushing the normies beyond their idiocy walls.
The bill comment was only to say I think you are not far off. If we are too "think like the enemy", you aren't far off. As to say, if bill was watching, us Anons are paying attention and analyzing what is going on./ Not all are asleep.
ah ok, sorry fren