posted ago by KimJung-Un ago by KimJung-Un +10 / -0

Assuming the Georgia Guidestones is the ultimate plan and all the rants and whining about over population by rats like Bill Gates, politicians, bankers, tech fags and others falls in line with GG, then we may be the enemies of the state right now but ultimately they are prepping the normies for depop.

There are lots of theories about how people like us who refuse it will be taken out but to me, if I look at it from an investment point of view, it makes far more sense to just focus all your energy for depop on the vaccinated.

If you have 80%+ of the world vaccinated and ready to keep taking more, it becomes a risk to push the rest and create an even more authoritarian state. You run the risk of pushing the sheep too far. Almost all the sheep have family members and friends who will refuse.

So once they've achieved their realistic number, imo they will open up the door to the unvaxxed entering society again in full capacity via at home rapid tests which do nothing but give the sheep a sense of security. Over time, the sheep begin dropping like flies but it's too late by then.

Tens of millions of people will not take this shot and that is a massive market financially. There is ultimately no reason to NOT include us with a "negative test" that can be administered at home with a QR code.

If I were a slimy sack of shit parasite faggot communist who knew the world was full of sheep I wanted to kill, this is what I would do.