How does one apply to get that job? Just look at arrest record and hope that every time they shot someone they were caught? Sounds like a way to launder money to criminals. Beat, stab, rape and steal but don’t shoot.
I wonder if they would pay 500,000 patriot "insurrectionists" to not shoot anyone if they marched on the city during a "stop the steal" rally? Asking for a friend.
Um. Where is the performance management system for this scheme? Enquiring minds want to know. How are they keeping track of people who don't shoot anyone? Oh, I see, it's criminals. So they have a nice list. So, let me get this right: First, you need to do a crime.... 3....2...1. Crimewave. in order to get ON the list. LOL
I know that we all want to laugh and say 'tee hee liberals are so dumb that they think this will help things.'.
But the grim reality is that she is trying to destroy the city - chase out all the upper middle class and the middle class. To make it a hollowed-out city of elites with private security and an ultra-low class of people shooting up and pooping in the street.
I guess that what I forgot to mention is that this would of course make San Francisco a magnet for criminals that would like $300 per month for doing nothing.
DAMMIT -- I am NOT SHOOTING anyone right now !! Where's my money?
They owe me some back pay...
Me getting shot in the street: "Haha, you lost you $300 buddy. Suck it."
Q- What do you do for a living?
A- I don’t shoot people. Been doing it for about 30 years now. 🤨😵💫 If this is really where we are at, to date, then America is done. I’m disgusted.
Time to Paint the Town Red.
How does one apply to get that job? Just look at arrest record and hope that every time they shot someone they were caught? Sounds like a way to launder money to criminals. Beat, stab, rape and steal but don’t shoot.
I wonder if they would pay 500,000 patriot "insurrectionists" to not shoot anyone if they marched on the city during a "stop the steal" rally? Asking for a friend.
Um. Where is the performance management system for this scheme? Enquiring minds want to know. How are they keeping track of people who don't shoot anyone? Oh, I see, it's criminals. So they have a nice list. So, let me get this right: First, you need to do a crime.... 3....2...1. Crimewave. in order to get ON the list. LOL
Ya fire newsome
If true it wouldn't be surprising.
I know that we all want to laugh and say 'tee hee liberals are so dumb that they think this will help things.'.
But the grim reality is that she is trying to destroy the city - chase out all the upper middle class and the middle class. To make it a hollowed-out city of elites with private security and an ultra-low class of people shooting up and pooping in the street.
I guess that what I forgot to mention is that this would of course make San Francisco a magnet for criminals that would like $300 per month for doing nothing.
I did not shoot anybody in San Francisco last month I'd like to collect my $300 please
That might actually work though.
I'm going to talk with the SF mayor about paying me to stay out of San Francisco.