16 Year Difference
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The Matrix is broken
...and we helped break it.
Reminds me when Neo saw the black cat glitch and alerted the crew.
Exactly the scene I was imagining
supposedly your pineal gland gets calcified by fluoride, so start by taking that out of your diet, by NOT drinking fluoridated city tap water, or fluoride toothpaste, etc.
supposedly, nazis put fluoride in the drinking water in concentration camps, because the nazis were soooOOOOOOoooo concerned about jews teeth.
just kidding. the real reason was because they were drugging the prisoners to keep them docile, placid, etc. under control and not really able to fight back or revolt.
and thats precisely the reason nazis still put fluoride in your drinking water to this very day.
the nazis didn't lose WW2, they merely moved their theater of operations. thats why NASA was founded by nazis, and to this day is run by nazis.
so anyway, stop fluoridating your pineal gland
supposedly, there is a way to use vibration and resonance to break up and shake loose the stuff thats in or on your pineal gland.
they use ultrasonic sound waves to break up kidney stones.
you can do something similar to break up your pineal stones.
say the word "the" very slowly. notice how when you say the "th" part of "the", you make a slight vibration, buzzing sound. notice that your tongue is gently touching the back of your teeth, and sticking thru the small opening between your top teeth and bottom teeth.
practicing making that buzzing sound "ttttttthhhhh...." until you can sustain the buzzing sound for a while. (like the time it takes to make one complete exhale)
after you master sustaining the sound at a certain pitch/tone (vibration frequency), then practice moving that "th" sound up and down in pitch/tone, up to as high as you can make it go, and down to as low as you can make it go.
slowly raise and lower the pitch, and try to linger on each frequency for a moment as you sweep thru the entire range of frequencies.
since everything has its own resonant frequency, by sweeping thru every available frequency, you will eventually hit the resonant frequency of your pineal gland.
you could probably do some research and find out what the resonant frequency of the pineal gland is, and then use a tuner app (i like insTuner app) to see what frequency you are buzzing at.
you might not be able to match your buzzing frequency to the exact resonant frequency of the pineal gland, so what you can do instead is figure out what the octaves are of that resonant frequency.
to put this in terms of music theory, lets say your pineal gland's resonant frequency is 880HZ, but you can only buzz up to 500Hz at the top of your 'vocal' range.
so you just divide 880Hz in half, to find the octave, which is 440Hz, which is in your vocal range.
i haven't actually done the above, but now that i think about it, i will...
what i have done, is to just sweep the buzzing tone up and down for a while, (maybe a minute or so), and what i discovered (and many other people have discovered), is that this really "rings your bell".
what i mean is, that its kind of discombobulating. it makes your entire brain buzz, and kinda go numb. you definitely do NOT want to do something like this and then go drive a car, because your brain will be almost intoxicated, to use alcohol as a comparison.
this effect does not last too long. it has a short half-life, and your brain will be back to normal in a few hours, again, similar to alcohol intoxication.
now, one could argue that this is dangerous, and maybe it is...
but in my experience, it felt like you come back better than when you started.
like maybe you feel intoxicated because you just knocked loose all the (brain stones) inside your skull, and now they are floating around for a few hours until they get escorted out of your body.
i heard about all this several years ago on the internet, and it sounded pretty crazy to me, but i decided to try it, and I'm glad i did try it.
and even as I'm writing up this comment, I'm having to practice making that 'ttttthhhhhhh' buzzing sound, (which i haven't done in a long time), and its again causing that intoxicating effect.
if anyone else tries this, please respond to this comment and let us know what you think.
Agreed, I've had many more instances of it than has been normal throughout my life. It's become almost a common occurrence.