Joe’s handlers are in a tough position. They basically have two options:...
Option A: Let Joe take questions and look like an absolute fool.
Option B: Run & hide from the press and look like an absolute fool...
Let that sink in. The Commander-in-Chief will not take questions from the press. Can you imagine if Trump did this?...
The whole world is watching this disaster unfold...
I don’t know what is coming outside of we can’t win this Earthly Battle without Supernatural Help.
Supernatural help? Ever hear of a Christian man who has put on "the full armor of the Lord"? His name is DONALD J. TRUMP. Like King David of old, he is better than supernatural--he is DIVINEly chosen.
Another Anon introduced me to the idea of Trump being raised up as a JUDGE as in the BOOK OF JUDGES.
I believe this is true.
That's exactly right. I have spoken with MANY people about this. He is raised up for a time to reconcile the people and clear away the evil. It will be up to us if we continue to do right and worship our God when GEOTUS is gone. But he is fully empowered and divinely appointed for this time. God's glory is on him and he is our Gideon. Not (spiritually) a President and certainly not a King--Donald J. Trump is God's anointed JUDGE. Thank you for confirming it in the Spirit and the Word, brother.
I love you & Glad we met!
It’s amazing when you shut up enough to let him speak isn’t it?
David got ousted from kingship and came back even stronger. Losing position didn’t mean he lost God’s anointing.
Yep. That's the idea. Though my fren yooodanon and I were seeing DJT more along the lines of the Judges in the book of the same name, though there are very important paralells to Kings too