What did Cunt say after she had him killed? "We came, we saw, he died." followed by "cackle, cackle, cackle".
Media didn't say a word about that.
Cunt's sick screech reminds me of when John McCain was all fired up to "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" ... that was a lie on his part seeing that he was up to his eyeballs in deals with Iran thanks to his buddy John Kerry. He never would have done that. Anything McCain promised while campaigning never happened since he had to pretend to be conservative for a while (not like indiscriminately bombing Iran is anything conservative).
The media did say something about McCain's comments, but that was due to the movie "Boy Wonder Barry Obama and Big Dick Mike's Journey to the White House Part I : The 2008 Campaign against Angry Old Man that Yells at Everyone Except Joe Lieberman" ... you know, the one where McCain told people that they have nothing to fear about a BO Presidency, then went and blamed Sarah Palin for everything after he was beaten soundly.
Of course, Trump takes out a real criminal mastermind surgically ... the media howls about World War III starting (the media made sure that COVID stopped WWIII, though I am starting to think that WW III would have been easier to recover from ... this Chinaflu is a liberal wet dream come to life).
Gotta say it again ... I despise these fucking clowns.
What did Cunt say after she had him killed? "We came, we saw, he died." followed by "cackle, cackle, cackle".
Media didn't say a word about that.
Cunt's sick screech reminds me of when John McCain was all fired up to "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" ... that was a lie on his part seeing that he was up to his eyeballs in deals with Iran thanks to his buddy John Kerry. He never would have done that. Anything McCain promised while campaigning never happened since he had to pretend to be conservative for a while (not like indiscriminately bombing Iran is anything conservative).
The media did say something about McCain's comments, but that was due to the movie "Boy Wonder Barry Obama and Big Dick Mike's Journey to the White House Part I : The 2008 Campaign against Angry Old Man that Yells at Everyone Except Joe Lieberman" ... you know, the one where McCain told people that they have nothing to fear about a BO Presidency, then went and blamed Sarah Palin for everything after he was beaten soundly.
Of course, Trump takes out a real criminal mastermind surgically ... the media howls about World War III starting (the media made sure that COVID stopped WWIII, though I am starting to think that WW III would have been easier to recover from ... this Chinaflu is a liberal wet dream come to life).
Gotta say it again ... I despise these fucking clowns.
I hear you. Qaddafi was out saying “these are not protestors. They are not from here. It’s al Qeida.”
It was