500 The more you know .... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +504 / -4 155 comments download share 155 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Alaska has 365 million acres if land.
Divvied up to families of 5, it would hold 1billion 825 million people.. Math is a bitch....but a logical one... 😁
What are they going to eat? I believe you need at least an acre per person for food, even with modern farming methods. Some sources say up to 7, especially if you want to eat meat and dairy. And I don't think Alaska has much farming potential...
Farm on the rest of the world. When the whole population is on Alaska, the world is your farm!
OK, since you already need the rest of the world for this plan, why is everyone living in Alaska and not some better place?