I didn’t watch the trump rally. I didn’t watch Mike Lindells symposium. I don’t watch war room, I hardly get on x22, I don’t watch CodeMonkeyZ’s stuff.
The Afghan situation sickened me and frankly pissed me off. I don’t think Biden’s in control and I don’t know how to reconcile that with what happened in Afghanistan.
General Flynn blaming Americans for Afghanistan pissed me off too, and his “get involved locally” mantra feels like a slap in the face in light of the election fraud and everything we have all fought for since the beginning of 2020.
I think the vaccines are dangerous and stupid, and I hate that Trump is a vaccine salesman.
All of these things should make me get up and say “screw this! This is stupid!”
And yet...
These little details. It’s the details.
The falsehoods of the Biden inauguration, the chess moves of Trump. The election audits happening simultaneously yet not a peep is allowed. The human trafficking victim claiming she’s already testified at a military tribunal, the expansion of GITMO. The extensions of Trumps Executive orders, the billionaire CEO’s all announcing resignation. The “death” of John McAfee and his “Q” post on Instagram post-Death.
The panic. The fear. It’s like an ozone-layer, a metallic odor you can smell in the air.
I don’t understand everything that’s going on, and some things that I don’t understand anger me. but every day I learn new things, I come to the awful, awe-inspiring conclusion;
Thought a while about General Flynn’s constant push on local involvement. What’s the purpose? These school boards having their feet held to the fire and some of them flat out quitting has created quite a spectacle. One that gets a lot of local coverage and sends a loud and clear message. We are the vast majority, we are no longer silent, and we aren’t going to take it anymore.
Is it possible his push on local involvement is part of the concept there are some people you can’t tell, you have to show them? So many of these liberal minded people live in a bubble, believing they are in the majority. The MSM can’t filter out the fact MAGA is taking over school boards, running RINOS out of local party positions, and other local actions.
Well part of this mess we're in stems from the majority of the populace not taking part in government like the founding fathers warned us about. For decades we've let things run on autopilot, just voting for the people saying what we wanna hear. And we did nothing when elections began to be ran by people with money, ivy league educations, and connections. This slowly became a government not of the people, nor by the people.
Totally agree, but it is something that crept up slowly and with some warning, but not outright. I've always heard some callers to radio talks shows speak about the commies under the bed and they would/will take-over. The host would always say some thing like, it won't happen, check under your bed do you see anyone there?, etc. and now look at the mess we are in. It may have been a lot easier to escape from it back then (I'm talking 20-30 years ago) now it is a lot more difficult. No one really wanted to/ or believed it would, but it did happen.
Communists did exactly the same thing all those years ago whilst conservatives turned a blind eye. And now it's vice versa and the communists are freaking out
It's 'trickle-up' leadership, although I think leadership is the wrong word. Get involved locally and have an influence that resonates not just in your community but in your state, your region. It all filters upward.