I worked in classified government work and girlfriend works in BioChem. Both of us are heavily against COVID vax because of their unstable and experimental nature. We told the (future) Mother in Law to not take the vax for months and for multiple occasions.
Unfortunatley she took the vax anyway. She's now in critical care for brain aneurysm.
Don't take this vax. Don't bet your life on it.
I feel you here. My son texted me a week ago about getting the vax, had an appointment for the next Monday. I only suggested he do his research, and sent him some of the CDC links on this site regarding Covid. He contacted me that Monday, very vaccine hesitant. So, I nurtured that idea.
He missed his appointment, but I feel rejoining the workforce (just moved to another state) is going to increase the pressure to get the vax. It was his only reason for considering it, more likely to get hired.
He's a dealership mechanic.... McDs is hiring at 15 an hour right now. That equals your dealership pay, and lunch is half price now. Waiting...
No employer can mandate the vax. It is illegal to do so. Don't let him cave in if that was his only reason for considering it.