I worked in classified government work and girlfriend works in BioChem. Both of us are heavily against COVID vax because of their unstable and experimental nature. We told the (future) Mother in Law to not take the vax for months and for multiple occasions.
Unfortunatley she took the vax anyway. She's now in critical care for brain aneurysm.
Don't take this vax. Don't bet your life on it.
If statistically people who took the vax and were essentially fairly healthy increasingly start passing away at much higher than normal levels, as some doctors are predicting, within the next few months or years, these unexpected deaths will become an unavoidable subject, even to those who have been in denial about it all their lives.
Personally, imo, those who fear death the most are lacking any type of spiritual understanding (or religious understanding). They live with a nonexistent level of conscious awareness of anything beyond their own ego. They are totally unaware of the magnitude of this of problem and would certainly never relate egoic focus as causing misery and insanity. Vaccine wars are ground zero for exposing to many the real problem we’re dealing with is a crisis of consciousness.
Horrific realizations that the world was betrayed by trusted authorities who committed deliberate crimes against humanity solely for profit and power will bring unimaginable painful consequences.
Will these betrayals force deep seated fears to surface and allow collective spiritual awakenings?