Mask mandates are coming back, the jab mandates are being enforced, schools are going virtual. I hope we are getting close because we are all about to get backed in a corner. My employer has not mandated the jab yet but if you have to be in the community you have to have the vaccine. If you don’t have it they won’t allow you to do a major part of your job function which will probably be grounds for termination.
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Yes, especially with what the Biden administration is signalling about the unvaccinated. I work for a government contractor which thus far has walked a good line as far as the vaccine is concerned, but that may be running out. They'll have to fire me, but I'll sell my company stock and coast for a while and look for another job if it comes to it. My TDS and vaccinated wife won't be happy, but whatever. I'm so awake now there is no going back to being asleep. There is evil in this world and I'm not going to back down. I'm saying this as an atheist. There is evil in this world.
Atheist’s today are just tomorrow’s Christians. We’ll be here if ya need us. Our Father in Heaven will be there always. All you have to do is let Him in. 👍
Unless it's too late. If all the saved people just up and disappear prepare to have your head lopped off for a ticket to the promised land. Im kinda sad that when we get zapped put here I won't be around to see the project blue beam put into action.
That's where you're wrong.
Pre-Tribulation rapture is not Biblical. John Nelson Darby was a Theosophist.
Come out of Babylon.
I disagree with you. Everyone has their understanding and interpretation of how they see it. In my view it doesn't matter when it happens, pre, mid, or post. I'm solid in my faith. But through my study of things to come I def see it this way.