What if his role is/was to act out this part? Be the public face of the movement for the MSM and normies to lambast? Because that's been occuring ad nausem despite the true nature of his antics.
Additionally, without visiting the fool in prison, there is no way we can prove anything the MSM claims.
And yeah, it does change a bit of the context of your comment. You're insinuating he is innocent. He certainly did rabblerouse on the 6th. He certainly did go far beyond where other "protesters" went.
If shammy was removed from the scenario, how many things would be different about the 6th? No poster boy for the MSM and normies. Lack of influence on normies in attendance? Lack of narrative control?
Oh Im thinking u/Lapstrake, and my observations compel me to distrust the shammy.
I think his mission was to draw the cameras and be the peaceful one.
I don't believe he was a rando Q person like you or me. He is an operative.
You know the glowfags were the ones trying to incite violence, right?
I watched a lot of footage of him chatting with police inside the capitol, and afterwards as he tried to make his way home.
If shammy was removed from the scenario, how many things would be different about the 6th?
I'm inclined to think the press coverage would have been worse without him. None of the footage of him includes violence or vandalism. Every moment of coverage of Chansley was a moment that didn't include people breaking windows or throwing things at Capitol Police.
This is just my opinion. I don't know for certain.
Having watched so much of it at the time, he didn't act like one of them. You know how shills always are so mean and nasty? And Antifa is the same way. Filled with hatred and bile. I don't get any vibe like that from Chansley. Actually the opposite. Smiling and positive.
None of that changes what I just said.
He didn't do anything.
He clearly was part of an operation. Who's operation it was is unclear.
If he worked for the FBI he would have been attacking cops and vandalizing things.
And he would have been let go by now.
He'll be quietly pardoned or have the conviction overturned when no one is looking.
What if his role is/was to act out this part? Be the public face of the movement for the MSM and normies to lambast? Because that's been occuring ad nausem despite the true nature of his antics.
Additionally, without visiting the fool in prison, there is no way we can prove anything the MSM claims.
And yeah, it does change a bit of the context of your comment. You're insinuating he is innocent. He certainly did rabblerouse on the 6th. He certainly did go far beyond where other "protesters" went.
If shammy was removed from the scenario, how many things would be different about the 6th? No poster boy for the MSM and normies. Lack of influence on normies in attendance? Lack of narrative control?
Oh Im thinking u/Lapstrake, and my observations compel me to distrust the shammy.
We don't have to agree.
I think his mission was to draw the cameras and be the peaceful one.
I don't believe he was a rando Q person like you or me. He is an operative.
You know the glowfags were the ones trying to incite violence, right?
I watched a lot of footage of him chatting with police inside the capitol, and afterwards as he tried to make his way home.
I'm inclined to think the press coverage would have been worse without him. None of the footage of him includes violence or vandalism. Every moment of coverage of Chansley was a moment that didn't include people breaking windows or throwing things at Capitol Police.
This is just my opinion. I don't know for certain.
Having watched so much of it at the time, he didn't act like one of them. You know how shills always are so mean and nasty? And Antifa is the same way. Filled with hatred and bile. I don't get any vibe like that from Chansley. Actually the opposite. Smiling and positive.