I hope these people are paraded and publicly shamed, at the least, for dereliction of the trust the framers of the Constitution placed in a questioning free press. I think it's probable most of these liars know the fix was in and are actively collaborating with an usurpacious fascist regime.
Duck wallace I don’t listen to his crap either!
Came here to say that...
He's basically Anderson Cooper just playing a 'mainstream Republican' who isn't actually mainstream or Republican. Also, he's a pedo.
I hope these people are paraded and publicly shamed, at the least, for dereliction of the trust the framers of the Constitution placed in a questioning free press. I think it's probable most of these liars know the fix was in and are actively collaborating with an usurpacious fascist regime.
Do people still watch FOX "News"?
Who bothers to watch him? I'm guessing his ratings aren't very high.
Winey ass hat!
Who watches Chris Wallace, anyway?