Could you please advise (wife)’s current Covid-19 vaccination status. Please advise if this has been administered and if so please provide date of dose/s (otherwise date of booking if applicable) If (wife) hasn’t received the Covid-19 vaccine, please also do let me know to mark as “not administered.”
Thank you for your time,
Hi (---------),
(wife)'s medical data is private and is not available.
We might be able to make it available to your office, however, if you could kindly provide the following medical information with relation to the clients whose (locations) she (attends):
Do they have the herpes virus or have they been in contact with anyone who has had the herpes virus in the past 3 months?
Do they currently have any sexually transmitted diseases?
Are they currently experiencing mental health issues that might make them a danger to (wife)?
Can their (doctor) provide a statement to the effect that they are not a danger mentally to (wife), because of a stable, mental health status?
Have they had tuberculosis in the last 2 years?
Have they been exposed to anyone with tuberculosis in the last 2 years?
I'd like to come up with more applicable questions related to the medical status / information of the (clients). Can you help?
Please add in the comments below.
This; I worked as a contractor at a large hospital for years that required Flu shots (Apparently; I never heard about this requirement till year 2 as I was at an offsite location that didn’t deal with patients).
I “had” to get this shot they told me. They would ask did you get it yet, and I’d say ya I’m working on it I’ll go this week over and over this would happen. Then one day they would say “hey you HAVE to get your shot by x day as that is the last day they are doing them”. Great I thought, I was tired of hearing about it.
The first time I was a little worried that they might just fire me but then I just didn’t hear about it again until the next year, and the same charade played out every year.. for 3 years till I left to do other things.
I don’t think they forged anything for me, unsure though.