I had not voted in several elections, prior to 2016. When Trump came along, I knew his background, books he had written, and people he had made friends with (such as JFK, Jr.). I thought he might be a difference-maker.
I knew that corruption was by far the #1 problem in the American political system. Corruption in Congress, corruption in the federal government, the courts, the local governments, election fraud. There was corruption everywhere. Politicians would get elected on the promise of "change" and yet they never did anything to change.
The system was corrupt, but I still could not figure out the big questions: WHY and HOW?
Why does NOTHING ever change for the better? I could buy into the idea that people were corrupted, but HOW did they manage that? HOW did the system actually work to keep things corrupted?
I knew enough about Trump's backgroud to think that he MIGHT be the only one in the race who would actually DO something about the corruption. Surely, with his contacts, he KNEW everything I knew and much more. So, I voted for him in 2016 and convinced others to do so, as well.
He wins a stunning election, and then the corrupt machine turned against him. False accusations, SpyGate, we all know the story.
But imagine ...
What if Trump "locked her up" right away? What if he had the SpyGate criminals prosecuted right away? Even if he was successful, there would be MILLIONS of people who would have considered him a dictator. The media machine would have convinced even some Trump supporters that he needed to go. They would have looked for revenge in the future. Most importantly ... NONE OF US ... both friend and foe of Trump's mission would have known the WHOLE TRUTH.
Many of us smelled the corruption, but we had never seen it served on a silver platter like it has been in the past 5 years. Even truth researchers did not know the entire story. I STILL did not have an understanding of HOW. I understood the why, but I still was not clear on the how.
And then, Q came along. Q tied the loose ends. He awakened millions to the corruption, but also explained the why, the how, the who, what, when and where. Q explained the blackmail operations, the bribery, China Joe's dirty dealings, the big picture and the details.
But if Trump openly arrested Soros and the other criminals, it STILL would have been premature. We STILL did not see the BIG PICTURE, or at least not enough people did.
Did YOU know about Dominion voting machines and all the rest back before Q? Probably not. A few elections were rigged in a few areas, but as Lindell has shown us, it was EVERYWHERE.
The 2020 election HAD TO BE STOLEN. While you can arrest someone for plotting a crime, it would just be a slap on the wrist and they would go right back to plotting again.
When the Illuminati were discovered by the Bavarian government 200+ years ago, and secret societies were outlawed, did the criminals just give up and go home? Of course not. They infiltrated the free masons and continued doing their thing. When the MS13 gang leader goes to prison, does the gang all go home and get jobs at Burger King? Nope, they continue their operation, with orders coming from the inside, if necessary.
Criminals do what criminals do. They would not stop if they were "merely" caught with a few dozen people committing felonies. Even if thousands are executed for their crimes, criminals will always be a part of society. The only way to keep them under control is for the masses to realize what has been going on their whole lives, right under their noses.
Those of us of the limited government ideology, including limiting the federal government to its constitutional limitations, have long said that anything government touches becomes corrupted.
Look at the schools. The federal government controls most schools today via state grants. As a result, they have become indoctrination centers.
Look at medicine. More than half of all health care dollars comes from government, via Medicare/Medicade. The NIH controls the "approved treatments," as well as funding in the universities. As a result, medicine has become a non-science dogma, with doctors routinely IGNORING the science, rather than reading it and applying it.
The list goes on and on.
Look at what Trump did in 4 years.
- Terrorism vanished
- Unemployment went from very high to record lows
- The economy boomed like it hadn't done in decades
- People of different races were uniting for the first time in a long time
- The world leaders respected the USA's role
- The military was strengthened, but not used to abuse others around the world
- The DS plan to have North Korea start war did not happen (Trump mentioned this more than once in the SOTU addresses)
- The corruption was exposed for all to see -- not just that there was corruption, but how DEEP the corruption had become
And yet, by 2020 ... we STILL did not have the full picture.
Imagine if the 2020 election steal was attempted but stopped, and the plotters prosecuted. We would not have been able to see with our own eyes how evil the communists/collectivists really are -- how much they want everyone who disagrees with them DEAD.
Oh sure, some of us over here in our corner of the world could see it, to some extent, but millions of people had new information revealed to them that they did not know existed. And over here in our corner, we saw first-hand that it was not just a theoretical possibility that might happen "some day;" but rather, the enemy was at the front door and trying to push its way in.
Now ...
When Trump comes back, imagine the whirlwind of events that will occur:
- The corrupt puppets get exposed, arrested, and prosecuted
- Which leads to the corrupt puppet masters either committing suicide or being prosecuted
- Terrorism is exposed and mostly ended (there will always be people who have a beef and want to do something about it, but their funding will dry up, so their reach will be limited)
- The economy comes roaring back
- New safeguards are put into elections
- New safeguards are put into the military to prevent subversives rising through the ranks
- Freedom in eduction
- Freedom in health care
- Exposing of evil communist doctrine
- China will be freed
- The world will be freed
- The People will realize how the previous generations had gotten complacent, and a renewed committment to liberty will be understood and enforced
And it will all happen in a few years.
There was really no other way.
Hold the line.
The key isn’t necessarily to eradicate it - just for the majority of people to be committed to never allowing it to flourish again. We got complacent. We didn’t care about people being persecuted in other nations. We sat on our couches and allowed ourselves to be entertained, and allowed our politicians to lie to us. Obama, Clinton, Biden - all the stuff they pulled right under our noses and we just went back to watching TV, like somebody else was gonna fix it. We the People turned our responsibility over to them - let them do what they wanted. What? Nobody in California ever paid attention to the homeless defecating on the streets of Nancy Pelosi’s district while she ate fancy ice cream from her fancy fridge? We just kept voting her and Feinstein and Mad Maxine back into office? We screamed about taxes, but we didn’t care that our vets were being treated like sh!t. If we were even aware, we told ourselves there was nothing we could do about it, and we justified not voting by saying, “All politicians are corrupt - it’s always choose the lesser of two evils, so why bother?” I said exactly that for years - I am guilty, too. Admit it, America. Most of us didn’t give a rat’s a$$ what was going on. We got lazy and now we have one last chance to stand up and fight to get back what we gave away! I think that’s why I get impatient with the complaining about how long it’s taking - why haven’t “they” done this or done that? It’s still the same mindset - the problem is somebody else’s to fix. It’s not. We the People own it. We are the ones who stand to lose it all. We should be thankful we have Patriots and God in our corner, but we need to get off our backsides, follow the guidance of those who have the bigger picture, and Step Up! America belongs to us, but her freedoms never came free. We just deluded ourselves into thinking they did.
Well…we didn’t keep voting them back into office. Some of us were targeted by the deep state for standing up.