jesus you're a stupid fuck, i know what newtonian physics is, everyone who made it past junior high knows... what you seem to be COMPLETELY unable to explain is how anything that happened on that day violates it in anyway.
you can't just keep saying "newtonian physics" with zero context like you won something.
you look like a retarded faggot.
i gave a quote, "violated 17 un resolutions"... it's something specific.
you gave me an entire field of study to google... bravo buttfucker... you've accomplished nothing (probably a trend for you).
the level of stupid coming from you is just astonishing...
you belch out "newtonian physics" as if you've won some contest with he mere mention of a concept all while not being able to grasp even the most basic understanding of what you are spouting.
lets keep things easy, just for you... "objects in motion tend to stay in motion"
when the damaged area fails and the millions of tons of building above start falling downward through the damaged area... it tends to stay in motion. nobody has ever designed buildings to "catch" the top 1/3rd as it free falls into the bottom 2/3rds.
not one.
the only thing stopping that much mass once it's in motion is something with substantially more mass... in this case, the earth.
when you compromise the structural integrity of the entire system, by compromising the central core and severing all the zig zag truss connections between the core and the outer skin, there is no "resistance" to slow or stop that much mass in motion.
you've never actually put any thought into this at all, you just hear faggots regurgitate "iT viOlAtES NEwToniAn PhYSicS" and assume its true without ever once understanding it yourself.
i'm glad i could explain it to you so you can stop sounding so retarded all the time.
hey dumbfuck...
i told someone to google a quote, you told me to google "physics"
you're the dumbest person i encountered in all these discussions, take pride in that.
jesus you're a stupid fuck, i know what newtonian physics is, everyone who made it past junior high knows... what you seem to be COMPLETELY unable to explain is how anything that happened on that day violates it in anyway.
you can't just keep saying "newtonian physics" with zero context like you won something.
you look like a retarded faggot.
i gave a quote, "violated 17 un resolutions"... it's something specific.
you gave me an entire field of study to google... bravo buttfucker... you've accomplished nothing (probably a trend for you).
the level of stupid coming from you is just astonishing...
you belch out "newtonian physics" as if you've won some contest with he mere mention of a concept all while not being able to grasp even the most basic understanding of what you are spouting.
lets keep things easy, just for you... "objects in motion tend to stay in motion"
when the damaged area fails and the millions of tons of building above start falling downward through the damaged area... it tends to stay in motion. nobody has ever designed buildings to "catch" the top 1/3rd as it free falls into the bottom 2/3rds.
not one.
the only thing stopping that much mass once it's in motion is something with substantially more mass... in this case, the earth.
when you compromise the structural integrity of the entire system, by compromising the central core and severing all the zig zag truss connections between the core and the outer skin, there is no "resistance" to slow or stop that much mass in motion.
you've never actually put any thought into this at all, you just hear faggots regurgitate "iT viOlAtES NEwToniAn PhYSicS" and assume its true without ever once understanding it yourself.
i'm glad i could explain it to you so you can stop sounding so retarded all the time.
you're welcome.