Jim Breuer Is legit as fuck. Check out his podcast recently on Anthony Cumia's show... I believe Cumia put it up for free on youtube.
Also Breuer had a Good theo Von podcast...
And if you listen to him on Opie and anthony clips on youtube... Dude has always been like this.
Here's the Cumia Clip- Titled Red pilled to the world around us. aired like a week ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6MVo8sItio&ab_channel=CompoundMedia he talks about Military plane hitting the towers a 8:16 .. I mean he hits on everything lol And it's even better because Cumia Is still way skeptical of the 9/11 conspiracies... But hes come along way from the O an A days. In fact he even mentions that in the past he wouldn't take anything breuer is saying seriously... but now he has no reason not believe it. just watch it. Its good.
I mean he even talks about satanism right after that lol. Good shit.
Edit: And I know for a face that Breuer frequents this site, and the others.
Edit: and last thing, yes, Anthony cumia is an old man who has Dated 17 year olds. But it was legal in his state, and He calls out all the actual pedos. 17 year old banging a Radio personality, Is not what this movement is about.. I mean It's creepy and I'd kick his ass if it was my daughter... but just saying lol.
Edit At this point In episode Cumia Talks about Trafficked kids in shipping containters... So do you get what I mean? He's a creepy perv, but still an asset, whether you like him or not. https://youtu.be/_6MVo8sItio?t=1748
They go on to talk about all the human trafficking stories of children being saved, But the media not mentioning it. So again, if you're gonna say anthony is one of the bad guys, You're just retarded.
Edit: at 57 mins in they talk about gerv ais golden globes AND specifically tom hanks reaction to pedo accusations.
But at least the legal ones... And he doesnt have to kidnap them, or venture into the human trafficking circles... Just 17 year old's with daddy issues. Perv yes. Pedo... Technically no.
Listen, I'm not gonna defend fucking 17 year olds when your 50... (And technically i think shes like 21 or something by now... but still) He's smart funny and on our side.
At this point In episode Cumia Talks about Trafficked kids in shipping containters... So do you get what I mean? He's a creepy perv, but still an asset, whether you like him or not. https://youtu.be/_6MVo8sItio?t=1748
Jim Breuer Is legit as fuck. Check out his podcast recently on Anthony Cumia's show... I believe Cumia put it up for free on youtube.
Also Breuer had a Good theo Von podcast...
And if you listen to him on Opie and anthony clips on youtube... Dude has always been like this.
Here's the Cumia Clip- Titled Red pilled to the world around us. aired like a week ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6MVo8sItio&ab_channel=CompoundMedia he talks about Military plane hitting the towers a 8:16 .. I mean he hits on everything lol And it's even better because Cumia Is still way skeptical of the 9/11 conspiracies... But hes come along way from the O an A days. In fact he even mentions that in the past he wouldn't take anything breuer is saying seriously... but now he has no reason not believe it. just watch it. Its good.
I mean he even talks about satanism right after that lol. Good shit.
His theo Von recent episdoe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-JC_C0ShiU&t=675s&ab_channel=TheoVon
Edit: And I know for a face that Breuer frequents this site, and the others.
Edit: and last thing, yes, Anthony cumia is an old man who has Dated 17 year olds. But it was legal in his state, and He calls out all the actual pedos. 17 year old banging a Radio personality, Is not what this movement is about.. I mean It's creepy and I'd kick his ass if it was my daughter... but just saying lol.
Edit At this point In episode Cumia Talks about Trafficked kids in shipping containters... So do you get what I mean? He's a creepy perv, but still an asset, whether you like him or not. https://youtu.be/_6MVo8sItio?t=1748
They go on to talk about all the human trafficking stories of children being saved, But the media not mentioning it. So again, if you're gonna say anthony is one of the bad guys, You're just retarded.
Edit: at 57 mins in they talk about gerv ais golden globes AND specifically tom hanks reaction to pedo accusations.
Lmao, no. Cumia is a fucking vampire who preys on the young.
At least he can admit he was wrong about 9/11.
Idgaf, he's a depraved monster and an avatar of evil. Careful who you follow.
But at least the legal ones... And he doesnt have to kidnap them, or venture into the human trafficking circles... Just 17 year old's with daddy issues. Perv yes. Pedo... Technically no.
Listen, I'm not gonna defend fucking 17 year olds when your 50... (And technically i think shes like 21 or something by now... but still) He's smart funny and on our side.
At this point In episode Cumia Talks about Trafficked kids in shipping containters... So do you get what I mean? He's a creepy perv, but still an asset, whether you like him or not. https://youtu.be/_6MVo8sItio?t=1748
This did bot age well. Rofl
What didn't age well?
He bit a girl's hand. He looks like Freddy Kruger. There's a list.
YEs. Hes got the pox face.
The cumia hour long clip really should be stickied or shared more. It’s right on the head.
This would never be stickied.... It's too relevant. The mods aren't smart people.