Australians ignoring the mandates!
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the west should get a large group of people and do the exact same thing, on the same day that they do it on the east. then point out the hypocrisy as loudly as possible
We have these things called Local Government Area or LGA for short. All the LGA in the west are considered "Area's of Concern". If you live in these areas of concerns you need papers to travel out of your LGA.
So as you can see the "government" will say they are justified in their actions.
Cases are exploding in these areas of concern as well. Which we all know is bullshit, those PCR tests are bogus. So from this you can infer that they're doing everything in their power to force us to submit through fear and intimidation.
Edit: also there is a rally on the 18th in the west and city. This is supposedly a worldwide thing.
Funny that the 18th is being pushed around the globe. Almost makes me worried it's a deepstate setup where they'll used provocateurs to incite violence, justifying a heavy handed reprisal from the Gov.
F**k that BS. You guys need to get rid of that government pronto. They are not going to go away on their own. You will have to do it. Papers to leave the area? That's Soviet shit.
Yeah unfortunately the wheels of justice are fucking slow, there are court cases fighting against the illegal actions of the state governments.
Heres the thing, the state premier of NSW has said in an interview that they actually wanted to make it a law that you must get vaccinated, but it was against the federal law, so instead they pretended like they had the mandate to trick people into getting the jab.
It's not that we need to get rid of the current government, we need the people to wake up to the fact that the state government has no fucking mandate in the first place.
You don't even need to pay the fucking fine they give you do long as you dispute it they'll chuck it out in court.
The real problem in Australia is the sheep who are asleep. If they wake up, game over current regime.
Probably many are overtaken by a media driven fear of the virus.
dis is vy vee must get out dere in our locality and vake up as many peple as vee cen.
Activism must go local. Lot's of people know that everything the govts are doing is a form of BS, but too many don't know how to look outside of Faesbuk, guggle, yutub and the MSM. They just don't know where to look for information, or how to access it.
So they go along, knowing that there's so much BS, but they a) don't have access to information that would confirm and inform their suspicions, and b) they don't see any real leadership.
There IS leadership. There IS a rapidly growing freedom movement, but stuff that happens online is simply lost to most of our population.
Which is WHY activism must Go Local. Freedom Fighters and Patriots need to join and collaborate with others in their local areas, and begin the process of getting the information to people, by leaflets, letterbox drops, demonstrations and other events that SHOW people that they are NOT the only one's thinking, "What the crap are the politicians doing here????"
my $0.02
Na man the soviets and Nazis had more freedoms they were allowed picnics in the park and walking to the park for example
Wow they have it all figured out to oppress the middle class and below as much as they possibly can dont they. Its almost like these 10k people that think they control everything are taking bets on which region of the world is gonna pop off first. What they may not realize is that when one group finishes their beer and gets up to handle this "problem," the rest of the world will look up. Say "fuck it, I guess its time," finish their beer, grab another, and get the party started on their side of the world in unison and handle our business that we have pretty much begged these so called elite to spare us from having to do. We basically have begged them not to try to go through with this via our inaction. Which has now been mistaken for weakness. Well. Fuck. We tried.
Im telling yall, when we finally get up, because we have had enough,, we dont fuck around.. we are done by dinnertime.
Yeah I get what your saying mate. At this time I'm just playing the waiting game.
There will be a moment, hopefully soon, where I'll be standing up.
Right now I'm just trying to tell people I know about what's going on. It's working bit by bit. Many in my immediate circle are just now starting to question the covid narrative.
they know as soon as they lift the travel restrictions we'll have 300,000 people in the city xD hope to see you there if/when they do
It's time to fight.
Pretty sure its happening in 200+ cities worldwide.
Last one was July 24. We had around 1000+ (news media) > 10,000+ people out there (reality) in Melbourne.
We really aught to be marching like the French, but we're just not at that point yet.
They straight up made it up out of thin air. It's political speak for "see all these area's they are now forcibly under house arrest.