"Storm surge" has nothing to do with "rain in the forecast." Where I live, we've had countless hurricanes, tropical storms, and depressions move near the coast and cause storm surges, and we didn't get a drop of rain from them.
Tropical Nicholas was upgraded today or yesterday.
Latest Update
Sept 12, 2021
Observation Time 05:00 PM
Longitude 95.0 W Latitude 22.0 N
Off the coast of Mexico.
Estimated land fall Corpus Christi Texas
(I track Hurricanes on the weather app because I’m on the South East Coast.
In my area, rain hasn't been forecast at all. I'm talking not a cloud in the sky on the forecast. but on both Wednesday night and Thursday night we got torrential storms.
Apologies.. I got a call when I posted this and didnt provide necessary info. I am in TX and I am not in the path of the storm that is coming but I have never received an alert, especially with a 36 hour notice. It makes sense I guess but it just seemed odd and out of place. I checked the forecast and it was showing sunny all week. Checked again this morning and now its showing rain. Like the rain just suddenly appeared. HAARP?
God please,God please,God please... :)
Upstream Flooding?
Yep, these are the questions that crossed my mind...in that order. I blame y'all for this--(the questions order).
Your weather is scheduled, not forecast.
Where’s this at? There’s a tropical storm / depression coming into Texas from the gulf.
"Storm surge" has nothing to do with "rain in the forecast." Where I live, we've had countless hurricanes, tropical storms, and depressions move near the coast and cause storm surges, and we didn't get a drop of rain from them.
Study weather a little more. :)
Got a message from my energy provider earlier about possible outages over the next few days.
I got one from Spectrum this morning— tropical storm Nicholas was their reasoning
Tropical Nicholas was upgraded today or yesterday. Latest Update Sept 12, 2021 Observation Time 05:00 PM Position Longitude 95.0 W Latitude 22.0 N Off the coast of Mexico. Estimated land fall Corpus Christi Texas (I track Hurricanes on the weather app because I’m on the South East Coast.
It’s the tropical storm
In my area, rain hasn't been forecast at all. I'm talking not a cloud in the sky on the forecast. but on both Wednesday night and Thursday night we got torrential storms.
Apologies.. I got a call when I posted this and didnt provide necessary info. I am in TX and I am not in the path of the storm that is coming but I have never received an alert, especially with a 36 hour notice. It makes sense I guess but it just seemed odd and out of place. I checked the forecast and it was showing sunny all week. Checked again this morning and now its showing rain. Like the rain just suddenly appeared. HAARP?
The Storm is upon us