If this were, indeed, a movie, then everything in this frame is specifically placed to present the author's message.
While it may go past the untrained eye, the film critic is able to notice things that the director specifically framed for that scene. I.e. the things that don't make sense, seem odd or out of place, or could serve as indications of what's to come later in this drawn-out narrative.
I truly believe that Visual Literacy is one of the most important aspects of understanding information. Film/visual media is by far one of the fastest and most effective ways for a human being to process information. Having what Scorcese calls "visual literacy" allows for not only deeper artistic understandings of cinema, but allows the initiated to better understand propoganda.
If this were, indeed, a movie, then everything in this frame is specifically placed to present the author's message.
While it may go past the untrained eye, the film critic is able to notice things that the director specifically framed for that scene. I.e. the things that don't make sense, seem odd or out of place, or could serve as indications of what's to come later in this drawn-out narrative.
The film critic, or the gamer who has been trained to look for Easter eggs. :)
Tippy top comment! Upvoat from me to you.
This is like those Wayfair images with the books about Haiti intentionally photoshopped in, it's like we're living in the worst simulation ever.
I truly believe that Visual Literacy is one of the most important aspects of understanding information. Film/visual media is by far one of the fastest and most effective ways for a human being to process information. Having what Scorcese calls "visual literacy" allows for not only deeper artistic understandings of cinema, but allows the initiated to better understand propoganda.
What Trump supporting parent would let their daughter stand that close the the real Joe Biden? Funny as hell, but that’s honestly dangerous.
that's a very specific style of Q to use