Just watched (after reading the thread). Two things jumped out, the activity in the window looked like SS back and forth and then a black suv pulls up and leaves. Second, he says he want to than “everyone first responder here at the national mall”. So he’s in DC!
Edit: Three things...the flag on the right has gold trim.
Where was this video shot? Windows and curtains remind me of the White House.
Just watched (after reading the thread). Two things jumped out, the activity in the window looked like SS back and forth and then a black suv pulls up and leaves. Second, he says he want to than “everyone first responder here at the national mall”. So he’s in DC!
Edit: Three things...the flag on the right has gold trim.
what is the significance of the flag having gold trim?
I will 'admiral'bly say, user name checks out! 😄
It's said the gold fringe stands for 'Admiralty Law'.
Yeah I never really understood it.
but it's something like the one with gold trim isn't the real flag, or it is... I forget.
ok I got it. War flag or Admiralty law or martial law. Trump is in control people.
Me too! And he said here at the capital or something along those lines...