I know Trump indirectly mentioned it just now and that it coincides with the "21 days: Red October" Q post. Pretty yuge imo.
Is this like the "theme of the month" going around?
August - "traditionally very hot"
September - "national preparedness month"
October - "Red october"
In the movie Red October the sub commander turned the sub headlong at highest speed INTO the oncoming torpedo.
Q referenced it. The sub commander closed the distance before the torpedo had time to arm. Tactics.
Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan
Oh I see.
So we can expect a serious turning up of the heat that would seem suicidal, though actually less severe/permanent than letting it run normally.
I guess post 2301 where trump says "stay tuned" perhaps that could mean we're gonna experience an "ad break" where we shouldnt abandon the show.
But it may not be related to October. The way it's used it seems to be more about tactics than dates imo. And yet, there's no doubt that the political atmosphere is heating up as we head into October.
I do not know if it already happened or will happen or can happen in different situations as a tactic . . .
Why couldn’t it be the stock market crashing?
Ooo post 2301!
POSTED SEPT 30 (last day of month), 2018.
By Q+
"Red october. Stay tuned. Q+"
Allowing the election steal is analogous to steering into the path of the torpedo. Clif High's predictive linguistics has increased radio noise for late September early October.
Thanksgiving in November and then Christmas in December. And then a brand new year in January.
But I do think something's up and will happen soon.
Keep stocking up.
Red October is when the Jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia and had the Czar and his family killed.
What we really need is an infographic of datefagging strategies for each month of the year. The mix tape is repeating.