Homeland Security Chief of Staff Abruptly Resigns
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Watch The Water
What does California need that Racine, Wisconsin has?
Why is Racine the new Silicon Valley?
Why was Racine the model used by Zuckerberg, CTCL and others to rig Wisconsin and the swing states?
What is the key to life?
The Truth has been shared since The Beginning. Expose the Root.
Racine is French for “Root” and is the gateway to the Path of Souls.
It was also the once great model industrious city and invention capital of the world.
It is now the model for Agenda 21, 2030, the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Racine is the reason Voat shut down and why they chose Christmas Day.
What is the Hall of Records?
What is the Sphinx Head Society?
How are Freemasonry, Kabbalah and Rotary connected?
Check out TrustTheTruth's comments on this board (click on the user name to access them) - a treasure trove of leads and rabbit holes
Especially good recently were the threads at https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFialghS/avicii/
What does CTCL stand for, TTT? I've always been curious.
Center for Tech and Civic Life, which is a Zuckerberg-funded activist organization that interferes in elections, especially in swing states
Center for Tech and Civic Life
The Council for a Community of Democracies was formed in Racine.
Fred Gates, the key advisor for the Rockefeller Institute got his big break after marrying his new wife in Racine.
Anna Makanju of Facebook led key community organizing efforts for Soros, Obama and others in Racine.
The daughter of the Knight Foundation founder lives in Racine.
NPR was formed in Racine also.
Nike, LeBron James and Caron Butler from Racine are also key partners with More than a Vote.
ElectionGuard, Election Group, Democracy Works, Command Central, The New Deal Leaders and many others are part of the overlapping networks involved.
You're a real special guy Trust the Truth. Sorry, I meant "guys".
For eternal enslavement, artificial intelligence + mark of the beast + social credit score - the next big "tech advancement", it is quantum computing. My guess is quantum computing needs large amounts of fresh water. Just like today we have computers or internet that operate via electical pulses (computers & copper wire internet) or light (fiber optic)... quantum computing requires water to take advantage of a special property/energy that water provides that was hidden from us by these secret societies / old blood-lines.
They have been investing and waiting for the technology to enable their agenda, connected with secret knowledge passed down from past civilizations.
What was the real purpose of Bill Biggerstaff forming the Silicon Valley Bank and Community Foundation after his time in Racine?
Why is Wisconn Valley the new Silicon Valley?
Why do Rothschilds, Bauers and Johnsons live in and control Racine?
Who are the Council of 13?