From everyone I have listened to if you take this vaccine you will have protection possibly for about 4-6 months do irreversible damage to your cells but introducing spike into your system, that binds to your ace2 receptor on your heart lungs brain and reproductive organs. You then loss all gains and if exposed to a similar virus you will have a immune system explosion that is AED and get really sick and possibly die potentially about 10-30%. The rest will have ranging problems based on many factors.
Let’s imagine this is indeed there plan and they have a limited time to get as many people vaccinated as possible before the the virus mutates and starts spreading in the vaccinated ike crazy as they have all programmed the body’s to have a singular immune responses that is no longer there and now the is a virus that rips through it regardless.
If there are too many unvaccinated we will effectively be a herd immunity for them as our immune systems will have had a more dynamic response to virus resulting in the virus struggling to deal with a lot people that attacks the viruse in different ways. This for this to work they need to remove the herd protection.
The places that collect plasma for monoclonal antibodies treatments will not accept donations from those that were vaxxed because the vax destroyed the would be donors natural antibodies and the synthetic ones created by the jab do not work for monoclonal antibodies - I'd call that proof but, what do I know, I have the same medical license Bill Gates has.
Hey, we have something in common! The same medical license.