Have a German friend (accent and all) super liberal but as long as you don’t get into politics cool dude. Refutes everything then comes to visit last night, first thing he did was pull out 2 pistols and put on a Trump hat.
I laughed heartily, and said why are you trolling. He says bro, I’m not you were right. I was listening to npr and they said something about trump and i thought wait I just saw something totally different, so he went and researched and say that they were manipulating what trump said.
After that he said once you see it you are awake. He’s now working on his brother with the agreement they can’t watch tv for a month and no news
Hi there! Thank you for this encouragement. I found that sevenfold original ordering of the Bible into 49 scrolls for you. This is from David Stern's foreword to the Complete Jewish Bible:
Teaching (5 scrolls): Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Prophecy (8 scrolls): Joshua Judges-Ruth Samuel Kings Isaiah Jeremiah-Lamentations Ezekiel Twelve
Writing (9 scrolls): Psalms Proverbs Job Song Ecclesiastes Esther Daniel Ezra-Nehemiah Chronicles
Gospel (4 scrolls): Matthew Mark Luke John
Mission (1 scroll): Acts
Epistolary (21 scrolls): Romans 1Corinthians 2Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Phlippians Colossians 1Thessalonians 2Thessalonians 1Timothy 2Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1Peter 2Peter 1John 2John 3John Jude
Apocalyptic (1 scroll): Revelation
5+9=14, 8+4+1+1=14, 14+21+14=49.
Jewish bible
I thought there were 66 books in the bible
There are, but u/Burmeister had heard they could be grouped into 49 scrolls and 7 divisions and this was the data I found backing that up. All the 66 separated books appear in that list. The "Scroll of the Twelve" is the minor prophets, and there are 6 scrolls with 2 books each.
The originally inspired order of Bible books was set by Ezra the prophet (for the Old Testament) and the Apostle John (for the New Testament). Many years after John died, however, their arrangement was changed. Who changed the inspired arrangement of the Bible? Why did they do it? <---The whores of Babylon and bastard did
Ezra divided the books (manuscripts) of the Bible that compose the Old Testament into three major divisions. These divisions are called the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings (or Psalms). Jesus Christ validated this order of the Bible when he said, "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the LAW of Moses and the PROPHETS and the PSALMS (or Writings) concerning Me" (Luke 24:44).
How did Ezra arrange the Old Testament manuscripts? The first section of the Bible, the Law, contained the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The second section, the Prophets, contained Joshua and Judges (considered one manuscript), 1Samuel, 2Samuel, 1Kings and 2Kings (one manuscript), Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, plus one manuscript containing all twelve of the Minor Prophets.
The final section of the Bible, called the Writings (or Psalms), contained the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, plus Ezra and Nehemiah (one manuscript), along with 1Chronicles and 2Chronicles (one manuscript). The Old Testament was originally inspired to have three main sections with a grand total of 22 manuscripts (one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet).
God gave the final task of collecting and canonizing the New Testament to the apostle John. In the period between 96 and 99 A.D., John, as the last living disciple of Christ, arranged the manuscripts he had into four main divisions. The first division, the Gospels, contained Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and then Acts.
Following the Gospel division came the General Epistles, which had the writings of James, 1Peter, 2Peter, 1John, 2John, 3John and Jude. The next section in what would become Bible then contained all the writings of Paul in the following order: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon. The final section contained Revelation.
God originally inspired the entire Bible to have seven divisions (seven symbolizes spiritual perfection) with a total of forty-nine (seven times seven or perfection multiplied perfectly) manuscripts. This is vastly different from modern translations of Scripture (like the KJV, NKJV, NIV, etc.) which have no divisions, no logical arrangement of manuscripts and contain 17 more manuscripts than what was intended! Who changed it?
It was the fourth-century priest Jerome (c. 347 to 420 A.D.) who rearranged the Scriptures to what we have today. He changed the inspired original order of God's word for political and ecclesiastical reasons. <----Satanist
7 times 7 =49
The meaning of the number 49 is derived from the fact that it is 7 times 7. Seven is a Biblically perfect numeral representing spiritual perfection.
Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive a person who sinned against him. He suggested that forgiving someone seven times seemed fairly generous to him. The Lord's response, however, was "I do not say to you until seven times, but until seventy times seven (490 or 49 x 10)" (Matthew 18:22). Christians are not to limit themselves in regards to forgiveness and mercy. If they are to be perfect, like their heavenly Father (Matthew 5:48), believers are required to offer unlimited forgiveness.
The name of the Apostle John is recorded forty-nine times in the KJV version of the Gospels.
49 = end = end of the prophecy
Everything you think you know is a lie. But I can destroy their pyramid of rot brick by brick
Ooh, very good! This is very similar to my research but sounds more accurate for the New Testament, and I had forgotten about this NT order. This is 5+6+11+5+7+14+1=49, so I'll keep this in mind as it makes improvements upon Stern. 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings were originally called 1-4 Kings. I'm glad to hear that it's not that the Bible has more words or content than God intends, it only has more divisions and different order than when God delivered it. Indeed the Septuagint folks thought they knew better than Ezra and Jerome thought he knew better than John; but I try not to call them names on that ground only.
As for me I count all 27 Greek manuscripts as epistles anyway, for simplicity.
49 is also very deeply connected to the 50 of Pentecost and Jubilee as its waiting period and precursor.
The only problem is that I already think I know that "everything I think I know is a lie". So it's more likely that most of what I think I know is a lie, otherwise it would be a paradox. Building God's truth (the reality) comes before destroying pyramids (the counterfeit). Please feel free to visit c/Christianity with observations like this (keeping in mind the environment is a little more cautious than GAW)!