Hubris lead to downfall!
haha, I wonder when he started to realize he was actually the one who being set up!
They got a lot of work to do. Just under the corona fraud alone they could arrest every doctor and hospital staff for murder and collusion with the pharmaceutical industry.
I guarantee, you can slow roll this for 17 years and most things will still be missed by the general public.
Just finished watching it the entire show is covered in symbolism loved it all.
Whomever made it well-done!
Collateral damage!
What comes around goes around!
You got no idea!
Most brainwashed people ever in the history of humanity!
nice read, thank you!
Wont be missed!
I recall some dude from CNN almost losing his posture when he read or saw something at the exact time information came out from a German that US military was engaging a site in frankfurt!
Yea, sure looks that way!