The current slobs running the media need to go before any healing can begin. There is absolutely no way this country can survive with those degenerates putting out their garbage day in and day out.
If we have one network to counter their's, they'll demonize it and make it seem illegitimate regardless of any pesky facts that get in the way. Everything needs to be reset, and news organizations, once cleansed, need to focus on who, what, where, and when ... readers/views can decide what to make of things based on the facts.
Agreed -- that's why I'm not thinking a single network would do it. We'll essentially have to match our based media networks pound for POS of theirs . . . All it would take is 4-5 based billionaires who have the wherewithal to avoid being suicided. One can hope and pray, as I do!
The current slobs running the media need to go before any healing can begin. There is absolutely no way this country can survive with those degenerates putting out their garbage day in and day out.
If we have one network to counter their's, they'll demonize it and make it seem illegitimate regardless of any pesky facts that get in the way. Everything needs to be reset, and news organizations, once cleansed, need to focus on who, what, where, and when ... readers/views can decide what to make of things based on the facts.
Agreed -- that's why I'm not thinking a single network would do it. We'll essentially have to match our based media networks pound for POS of theirs . . . All it would take is 4-5 based billionaires who have the wherewithal to avoid being suicided. One can hope and pray, as I do!