188 Another “FAIR ELECTION” on Newsomes recall …. RRRIIIIGHT !! Our election system has to be fixed !!! Keep hammering on the subject !! WE WILL BE HEARD !!💥💥 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Oldpatriot 3 years ago by Oldpatriot +188 / -0 8 comments download share 8 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It’s not a problem, the voting fraud machines are working as intended.
!! FUCK GAVIN NEWSOM !! Yell it whenever he's in public or there's just a large group of people.
Took photos I assume.
If Newsome had any integrity, with this info. he would demand an audit.
Are you fucking kidding? They've been doing this shit for years. Now it's exposed clear as day. This is awesome. No longer a conspiracy theory.