Me watching patriots.win drool over Niki Minaj having an opinion that alligns with theirs and forget about being treated like Nazis for 4 years.
🧠 Memory-Holed 🕳️

No, not at all. But we are not united. Not giving three cheers to a racist who promotes the things she promotes. This might help with the vac/mandate/plandemic issue. But there is a lot more to it than that and there will be zero unification if people like her dont stop drawing lines based on race.
Like I said, maybe this is a start and thats of course a good thing. But we are all far from united.
Wow. What a gatekeeper. Thank God you don't have any say in who joins this movement.
Do you think that rejecting Nicki Minaj is going to assist in waking up her fans or those around her?
I dont care what she said in the past, everyone has said something racist that they regret. Especially with all the propaganda being pushed in the last decade.
Her posts have inspired BLM activists to protest the CDC. What have your 5-star posts done lately?
Not a gate keeper, never had an illusion that I was in any way. Unlike the left I dont perscribe to the idea that we ALL have to belive the same thing IN EVERY WAY. She does not have to belive everything I do and its def not up to me who anyone else sides with. In that. Covid is not the only issue. There are many others issues and one is people not fighting for themselves. Its disturbing to see soo many people take a sigh of reliefe cause a "celebrity" agrees with them. When all she needs to do is do an about face, say that she was wrong and poof. Everyone leaning on her words just took an even harder turn left towards mandates. People are viewing her a part of the GA, but she really isnt. She is just another in a long line of celebrities that found out the hard way that they are not protected unless they tow the line. Which most end up reversing clurse and towing theine. Im not giving people who are openly anti caucasian a free pass cause they have the potential to get people to stand against the vax. In a way it helps perpetuate the problem, which is people not standing up for themselves. Everyone is all to happy to let someone do it for them.
In short, I guess if someone is awake about the vaccines that is a great thing. If she can help wake more people up, that is also a great thing. But I personally wont consider someone who has supported BLM at their worst and CRT and all the hypersexual stuff as "awake" just cause they are shocked that yes, they to can be sensored.
She wants to jump in the frey and join the fight, her as with any I will consider an ally and will protect them as such. But Im not kowtowing to someone because they are a celeb.