And by filing a law suit even assuming they are corrupt you expose another layer. You see when you try in any endeavor you quickly discover what works and doesn't work for future use. Also, it helps rally support in your community if particular judge is corrupt. You start talking and if you all have had similar experiences you have an opportunity to remove that judge.
It is not about a "quick win". This is going to be a long drawn out slug fest. This is literally going to drag for a while. If you think mask and vaxx mandates will be settled within this year that is wishful thinking. But you have to start somewhere.
A lot will not listen. They don't want to have to get off their butts and do something. For pretty much my entire adult life, many, many people would spout their opinions on politics but when you asked who they voted for, they'd say, "Oh, it's a waste of time to vote."
You could not tell them that was allowing whatever side they opposed to do as they wished.
Nor do they understand how politics works starting at the local level. If you get involved in the local party at the precinct level, you can decide who gets to run at the local, district and state level. Voting machines have nothing to do with this.
If you run for local office, you can determine whether machines are used, whether garbage is taught in local schools, and so on.
Like you said, this didn't happen overnight and won't get fixed overnight. But doing nothing means it will never happen.
(BTW, I think at least some of the people saying it's hopeless, voting is a waste of time and so on are paid shills purposely discouraging others from even trying to do anything.)
Federal. Send it motorized and by certified mail. Tjey have 30 days to respond or they default. Pay 23.50 and have a federal martial deliver it. Great pact. Make them answer questions. Bring them Into your court. If they don't show. Payb350 and take em federal to set your judgment.
Trump should have exercised this on January 6th...but he didn't! That should have been the day of reckoning for the evil globalists...but instead Trump called for Mega hats, flags and empty words! People were killed, we looked like fools and many were set up to be tracked down, arrested, falsely accused and tortured! My hope is squarely on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...I know that sounds like a cliché, but it's a cliché because its true. Man will always let you down, but God never will.
Yay protest
Hold up a sign and get ignored.
At this point all I want is a call to action by Trump
Then file a law suit.
Or you know organize with your neighbors to spread the word about the bioweapons to boycot centers that support vax.
Corrupt, stacked courts: "allow us to introduce ourselves"
Not at the local level.
And by filing a law suit even assuming they are corrupt you expose another layer. You see when you try in any endeavor you quickly discover what works and doesn't work for future use. Also, it helps rally support in your community if particular judge is corrupt. You start talking and if you all have had similar experiences you have an opportunity to remove that judge.
It is not about a "quick win". This is going to be a long drawn out slug fest. This is literally going to drag for a while. If you think mask and vaxx mandates will be settled within this year that is wishful thinking. But you have to start somewhere.
A lot will not listen. They don't want to have to get off their butts and do something. For pretty much my entire adult life, many, many people would spout their opinions on politics but when you asked who they voted for, they'd say, "Oh, it's a waste of time to vote."
You could not tell them that was allowing whatever side they opposed to do as they wished.
Nor do they understand how politics works starting at the local level. If you get involved in the local party at the precinct level, you can decide who gets to run at the local, district and state level. Voting machines have nothing to do with this.
If you run for local office, you can determine whether machines are used, whether garbage is taught in local schools, and so on.
Like you said, this didn't happen overnight and won't get fixed overnight. But doing nothing means it will never happen.
(BTW, I think at least some of the people saying it's hopeless, voting is a waste of time and so on are paid shills purposely discouraging others from even trying to do anything.)
Federal. Send it motorized and by certified mail. Tjey have 30 days to respond or they default. Pay 23.50 and have a federal martial deliver it. Great pact. Make them answer questions. Bring them Into your court. If they don't show. Payb350 and take em federal to set your judgment.
I'm sick of these stupid platitudes
Taking action isn't a platitude
"File a lawsuit"
Right. Because I have more resources than Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and the state of Texas. All of which had lawsuits that went nowhere.
These fuckfaces pass multi trillion dollar bills and take whatever they want right out of my paycheck. What in the fuck is a boycott gonna do?
Trump should have exercised this on January 6th...but he didn't! That should have been the day of reckoning for the evil globalists...but instead Trump called for Mega hats, flags and empty words! People were killed, we looked like fools and many were set up to be tracked down, arrested, falsely accused and tortured! My hope is squarely on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...I know that sounds like a cliché, but it's a cliché because its true. Man will always let you down, but God never will.