I remember a video, not too long maybe 20 - 30 minutes, about the cabal/deep state and the military asking Trump to run. I think it also talked about Trump's first three overseas trips he made: SA, Pope, can't remember the other one. Was hoping to find it on the sidebar but it's not there.
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Fall of the Cabal Part 1, then follow with 2-10. Paying lots of attention to parts 9 and 10.
No, it wasn't that video/set of videos. It was a man's voice narrating. It started out talking about people being deceived into fighting each other so that we don't fight the deep state. Then the military asking Trump to run. etc.
https://youtu.be/IRt5cnQGPC4 watch this Also. Out ot Shadows ππΊπΈ
Yes, I was referring to the "Q - Plan To Save The World" video. However I must have watched another one also that chronicled Trumps first three overseas trips, Q related of course. Anyone know what that video is and have a link to it?
Yeah, that looks familiar. Not sure if I watched an abbreviated version.
Was that the joe m video?
Found it, You are correct, it's the Joe M. "Plan to save the world" video.
If I knew who Joe M is I might be able to answer that. Do you have a link to this video?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fErbGFYsxos&list=LL&index=30 This woke me up to a lot but what is true is up to you.
While I've watched part or all of this previously, I just noticed that the narrator/author of the video seems to imply that Julian Assange is an offspring of Dr. John Trump.
Yeah, I think this is the version of the other video I was looking for.
After watching "Q The Plan To Save The World," watch Amazing Polly's reaction video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PI3kdaMQfPc/
Europa is a pretty good series. It's 12 hours long (x6 2-Hour Episodes). Gets pretty deep in the woods as far as history and can sometimes seem boring, BUT the points made at those times become relevant the further along you get into the video.
https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/videos/ Is on this link the second video down called the plan to save the world.