Sarah Palin has said that she has not received the COVID-19 vaccination shot because she “believes in science”
“Gutfeld!” with former Alaska governor Sarah Palin aired on Fox News on Thursday, and she revealed why she hasn’t had the vaccine.
“I believe in the science and I have not taken the shot,” Palin said emphatically.
“The Fauci-ism of the day, back then, was if you’ve had COVID — I’ve had COVID — well then mother nature was creating an immunity,” Palin said. “And even today they say you’re 27 percent more immune—”
In response, fellow guest Drew Pinsky, who is best known for being a doctor on reality television, said, referring to a recent study from Israel that supported Palin’s claims that previously infected people were significantly less likely than vaccinated people to contract the delta variant of the virus. “27 Times” more immune Dr. Drew Pinsky clarifies.
What did I miss? The first time I heard the Israeli study mentioned, natural immunity was "13 times greater than vaccination immunity"..... and now it's 27 times? What changed?
I'd guess that since the jab efficacy wanes (and is less effective against variants) the numbers keep changing to favour natural immunity even more.
^^ this is it
Basically they lied about the numbers to begin with and the entire premise is a simple principle in immunology:
#1 Any Vaccine can only hit a few Antibody points. Maybe 3. In contrast your immune system can handle 1400. Yes you are reading this right. Antibody vaccines basically work by encouraging antibodies to “fight” the disease, as they say - in truth it’s like sending in a 70 IQ janitor into a Fight against Navy Seals. Your body considers antibodies the fuckup cleanup crew. Your immune system uses White Blood cells to actually fight. Hence the premise is a lie.
#2 These are not vaccines. The J&J sort of is. The mRNA shit is gene therapy. Literally. People are literally allowing Big Pharma to RAPE THEIR GENOME FOREVER and no this is not exageration.
Gates has been nutting himself wanting access to your genetics. Why the fuck would anyone think that’s ok. I mean wow
J&j seems the lesser evils no?
Yes I guess so.
Of all of this the insanity of all insanity is the lack of reproductive studies.
Basically in a lab if you are vouching die the “safety” of anything there is only a single standard testing scenario.
testing on mice
Now mice are mammals and have quick life spans.
A reproductive study is inherent. It sounds intense but the most basic premise is they are not. If you inject a mouse - you observe if it dies inherently through any effort. So if you are testing on mice - inherently you are doing a reproductive study.
Now - Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna intentionally did not do these tests which says several things:
Think about it.
It’s hardly difficult or expensive.
Meaning they are intentionally omitting this data.
Do you see what I am sizzlin?
Maybe evil in a different way we haven't found out yet.... they were intentionally putting asbestos baby powder.... that says a lot about them.
Hmmm, yeah, makes sense.