This was very true, exposed in the hidden recordings of Antifa. They dream of communism, but they talk about how great it is going to be, it is never about how great people's lives will be. Instead they like to talk about punishing or killing people like me, and how great that will be.
These Antifa dolts need to pick up a history book and see what happens to them when their side "wins". They won't have any time to kill people they hate for political reasons. They're the first rounded up, executed, and thrown in a ditch by the same people that supported them! Tyrants know how useless they are ... They only needed them for their effective rabble rousing techniques.
The Antifa types have been discarded almost immediately after these revolutions though. They're not even given a choice to behave. It's more like "Thank you for your service, now line up against that wall". They are literally that useless overall.
Anyone that hates the communists but keeps their mouths shut are given more "tolerance" than those that actively work to install that worthless form of government. The communists know that they can't kill off everyone ... few on their "side" have skills needed for their Utopia ... PhDs in "gender theory pertaining to anal sex during a raindance" are useless no matter who is calling the shots :-).
This is probably reason #290756 why Communism fails miserably ... if they kill off everyone that disagrees, they aren't left with anyone that is capable of working since the leadership certainly can't :-). Those enslaved can still work towards overthrowing the pinko dictators.
That's why they were called "usefull idiots. Usefull for pushing the criminal agenda. But idiots because they had no idea why their ideas were bad. Once they understand why the ideas were bad, it is too late. But they are a danger to the criminals who used them because they proved they could change minds. So, they are executed right away in a totalitarian takeover.
This was very true, exposed in the hidden recordings of Antifa. They dream of communism, but they talk about how great it is going to be, it is never about how great people's lives will be. Instead they like to talk about punishing or killing people like me, and how great that will be.
These Antifa dolts need to pick up a history book and see what happens to them when their side "wins". They won't have any time to kill people they hate for political reasons. They're the first rounded up, executed, and thrown in a ditch by the same people that supported them! Tyrants know how useless they are ... They only needed them for their effective rabble rousing techniques.
Yes. The new government will want sheep only, not people willing to commit violence when they don't like what the government says.
The Antifa types have been discarded almost immediately after these revolutions though. They're not even given a choice to behave. It's more like "Thank you for your service, now line up against that wall". They are literally that useless overall.
Anyone that hates the communists but keeps their mouths shut are given more "tolerance" than those that actively work to install that worthless form of government. The communists know that they can't kill off everyone ... few on their "side" have skills needed for their Utopia ... PhDs in "gender theory pertaining to anal sex during a raindance" are useless no matter who is calling the shots :-).
This is probably reason #290756 why Communism fails miserably ... if they kill off everyone that disagrees, they aren't left with anyone that is capable of working since the leadership certainly can't :-). Those enslaved can still work towards overthrowing the pinko dictators.
They never learn because they think it'll happen to the others.... surely not them.
That's why they were called "usefull idiots. Usefull for pushing the criminal agenda. But idiots because they had no idea why their ideas were bad. Once they understand why the ideas were bad, it is too late. But they are a danger to the criminals who used them because they proved they could change minds. So, they are executed right away in a totalitarian takeover.