Nearing a thousand-yard stare in here. I don't think anything that could be revealed would be anything but the confirmation of what this community already knew. Just got a faint hope that something, anything happens.
We already know and see the fraud. The problem isn't exposure. We've exposed them 50 fucking times previously. For once after we expose them are we finally going to see some...
When I see that happen I'll finally smile. Till then I'm all smiled out.
I've become way to cynical and will only believe it when it actually happens. Not saying it's not going to happen but lets just wait for the actual report.
I say, cut the middle men and stick to the source and hard facts.
I'm sooooo tired of talking heads earning with ad views and bullshitting people. The truth doesn't need a link to gateway pundit who link to twatter where some shouting contest is going on. FFS, we don't need to be entertained, we only care about results. We don't need hopium, it's not like we are to off ourselves waiting. Bring the results!!!
I will be watching and certain it will be thorough and maybe a little boring at points. The wow factor will come up short for two reasons for me:
1 - it will not name names. This is where the lightning is and they won’t do it
2 - MSM will be sure to throw a cold wet blanket over this thing and won’t provide any form of satisfaction to Trump supporters. Just like they have been doing all along, lack of reporting, no evidence, republican attempt to spin results.
The value of today may not be seen for some time so I will be enjoying it for what it is. We will understand much more of the details than most people and will be interested to see the analysis from Anons over the next week.
I could be wrong and there will be a Big Bang this evening, I am just not counting on it.
It sometimes feels like this movie will end with "well you caught us, life goes on" and the GOP will come out and say "alright well we know how to prevent this. But now it's about healing and taking the high road. Where there are transgressions there is forgiveness and so we will not be investigating this further. In America we vote. If you wanna new leader show up on election day, thanks."
I feel I am waiting licking my lips like predator seeing the prey... And I would feel quite pissed out if this wouldn't be big BOOM noticable within next 12 hours.
I feel nothing. I know nothing, I've let go of everything that I am and everything that I thought I had. I'm free now. Now I have gained everything I ever needed and I have become everything I ever needed to be.
Just horrible. I am not looking forward to seeing bodies dangling from lamposts after a howling mob has been torturing them, am not looking forward to seeing people turn into demons before my eyes and am not looking forward to seeing the queen of heaven rise from the sea.
Other than that I just my usual gloomy Eeorish self
I’m so excited the day is finally here!!! No matter what the report says, I’m going to continue believing that there was rampant fraud, and I’ll continue to keep the faith that Trump will be reinstated!
Nearing a thousand-yard stare in here. I don't think anything that could be revealed would be anything but the confirmation of what this community already knew. Just got a faint hope that something, anything happens.
We already know and see the fraud. The problem isn't exposure. We've exposed them 50 fucking times previously. For once after we expose them are we finally going to see some...
When I see that happen I'll finally smile. Till then I'm all smiled out.
I've become way to cynical and will only believe it when it actually happens. Not saying it's not going to happen but lets just wait for the actual report.
I'd rather have a normal grey day and then out of the blue sky - BOOOOOM!
Instead of this bubble building again and again and "oh, we have nothing, have a nice weekend".
Yeah I'm sick of hype porn. Even Veritas is starting to annoy me despite the fact they deliver.
I say, cut the middle men and stick to the source and hard facts.
I'm sooooo tired of talking heads earning with ad views and bullshitting people. The truth doesn't need a link to gateway pundit who link to twatter where some shouting contest is going on. FFS, we don't need to be entertained, we only care about results. We don't need hopium, it's not like we are to off ourselves waiting. Bring the results!!!
I will be watching and certain it will be thorough and maybe a little boring at points. The wow factor will come up short for two reasons for me:
1 - it will not name names. This is where the lightning is and they won’t do it
2 - MSM will be sure to throw a cold wet blanket over this thing and won’t provide any form of satisfaction to Trump supporters. Just like they have been doing all along, lack of reporting, no evidence, republican attempt to spin results.
The value of today may not be seen for some time so I will be enjoying it for what it is. We will understand much more of the details than most people and will be interested to see the analysis from Anons over the next week.
I could be wrong and there will be a Big Bang this evening, I am just not counting on it.
I feel like cut the bullshit and to the point.
What's the point of this hopium od from all the channels if we are winning bigly today?
It sometimes feels like this movie will end with "well you caught us, life goes on" and the GOP will come out and say "alright well we know how to prevent this. But now it's about healing and taking the high road. Where there are transgressions there is forgiveness and so we will not be investigating this further. In America we vote. If you wanna new leader show up on election day, thanks."
this BETTER BE something. ive been jerked around for too long. if THIS does nothing? im done with all of this trash
I feel I am waiting licking my lips like predator seeing the prey... And I would feel quite pissed out if this wouldn't be big BOOM noticable within next 12 hours.
I feel nothing. I know nothing, I've let go of everything that I am and everything that I thought I had. I'm free now. Now I have gained everything I ever needed and I have become everything I ever needed to be.
I think it's safe to say that if todays AZ election results turns out to be a bust, it will likely cripple the election audit movement biggly.
Feet planted behind that line. Holding tight.
Locked and loaded, truck is full of fuel and the cabinets and freezer are stocked, ready for the show!
Feeling good. There isn't a cloud in the sky. I honestly cant remember the last time I could say that. It gives me hopium.
Just horrible. I am not looking forward to seeing bodies dangling from lamposts after a howling mob has been torturing them, am not looking forward to seeing people turn into demons before my eyes and am not looking forward to seeing the queen of heaven rise from the sea.
Other than that I just my usual gloomy Eeorish self
That looks like a man who just woke up to audit day on some Mike Lindell pillows and Egyptian cotton sheets.
Like Im gonna puke
Comfy AF
You all are a lot more optimistic than I am.
Biden will be dead before anybody goes to jail for this.
I’m so excited the day is finally here!!! No matter what the report says, I’m going to continue believing that there was rampant fraud, and I’ll continue to keep the faith that Trump will be reinstated!