If the paper ballot counts match those reported does that mean that votes were not flipped by dominion? Just curious. I can not for the life of me ever believe that joe won legit.
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Thought these two links might quiet people’s minds a bit.
Conflating two issues.... dominion versus legal ballots. The fraud never hinged on dominion, but it was multi-faceted.
Sadly, I do not know exactly how the votes are counted but I can imagine a situation where the county counts X votes, declares X votes then passes on Y votes (using USB stick) to the state to get the total.
So there would appear to still be a way for the machines to distort the totals even if the county totals were right.
Here's a question...
Why are people wildly speculating, instead of just waiting for the ACTUAL audit results?
Nice try handshake.
Boom 🙌
I feel the same. Once you see the truth you can’t un-see it. I can’t lie to myself and I don’t want to lie to others so I can’t participate in the delusion. Whatever the cost I keep my sanity and my integrity! I’ll be in the foxhole with you fren.
He's a handshake shill, just like you. We recognize his post is BS.