Unknown. Anyone that says for matter of fact that they know is just guessing.
Most generally described, it would probably fall under the box of "constitutional crisis". It would, near as I'm aware, be unheard of to somehow decertify. Do they even have the authority? Who is the actual authority; federal or the one state? Do they need other states to overrule the Federal? Could a convention of states be called to somehow overrule the results?
So many questions. The best thing that WOULD come out of it WOULD be the escalation of the crisis from something swept under the rug to something that needs to be dealt with.
Since there is no federal process relating to de-certification, this act alone will not remove a sitting president. And we shouldn't want it to, because such an act would set a precedent that would eventually be abused. For example, if a state legislature flips from Rep to Dem, the new Dem legislature could decide they want to reverse the previous Rep legislature's certification of the re-elected Rep president. That's exactly what will happen in the future if AZ sets the precedent to remove Biden. Look at how the Dems already abused the articles of impeachment.
Maybe the Supreme Court can review the fraud, which we shouldn't be comfortable with either, unless the body of evidence contains proof of foreign interference. Then it's a national security matter, which could be why Sydney Powell mentioned it early on.
So from here, I expect no removal of Biden through de-certification, but it will be a massive redpill. As more states find fraud, Biden becomes less legitimate in the eyes of normies and libs. Eventually, evidence of crimes will get him and a string of Dems impeached while devolution progresses.
I don't expect any one state to remove Joe Biden. Arizona taken out wouldn't remove enough electors. On the other hand, I do expect decertification from enough would be enough to create a sizable constitutional crisis, and spark a power struggle with the Federal government. I don't believe the SCOTUS has ANY place touching this; they certainly do not have authority to remove a sitting president.
If our constitutional roadmap is any guideline, there would be three significant ways of removing Biden.
1.) Congress. Impeachment. HIGHLY doubt that will happen, and if it doesn't it won't be over this.
2.) The rest of the executive branch tossing him out. Not really sure what that would be like, but I can see it happening and making a degree of logic. We're talking about a military usurpation here.
3.) States. Most of the abilities of the legislative branch are also held in some manner by the states themselves, directly. It would not be unreasonable to suppose that they could take action of a variety of kinds to effectively bypass congress and have proper constitutional authority; I mean, at the least (though this is a stretch), they have the power to amend the constitution without congressional involvement.
I don't personally see removal of Biden through de-certification alone either. No way in hell they'd just let it work like that. But that's not really what I want anyway; what I think we need is the power struggle itself; the decertification, the branding of illegitimacy. The value here is almost moreso in the fight than the chance of victory through those means alone.
One thing that is incredibly important to remember for all of us, that is so easily to forget, is that this is just one battle of a much much larger war. Wars aren't one by sending forces to only attack one objective at a time, until they get to the final objective. It's won by coordinating assaults across the front and providing support one battle to another. This is just one front we need to continue pressuring and forcing as much as possible; there are other fronts that need victory as well, and, God willing, by the time they all get to the final objectives, they'll be strong enough and united enough to achieve complete victory.
Agreed, the branding of illegitimacy is still valuable even if Biden isn't removed. Winning the support of the people and avoiding civil war was always a main priority of the white hats.
I think impeachment is the most realistic path based on Durham's findings. Remember, Biden was the last name of those who illegally unmasked Trump campaign members who were spied on. That alone won't justify impeachment, but it will provide Durham with warrants to investigate other crimes by Biden involving China and Ukraine that pair with emails from Hunter's laptop. Once those crimes are revealed, and the public regard him as illegitimate, their will be demand across the board for his impeachment.
Unknown. Anyone that says for matter of fact that they know is just guessing.
Most generally described, it would probably fall under the box of "constitutional crisis". It would, near as I'm aware, be unheard of to somehow decertify. Do they even have the authority? Who is the actual authority; federal or the one state? Do they need other states to overrule the Federal? Could a convention of states be called to somehow overrule the results?
So many questions. The best thing that WOULD come out of it WOULD be the escalation of the crisis from something swept under the rug to something that needs to be dealt with.
Since there is no federal process relating to de-certification, this act alone will not remove a sitting president. And we shouldn't want it to, because such an act would set a precedent that would eventually be abused. For example, if a state legislature flips from Rep to Dem, the new Dem legislature could decide they want to reverse the previous Rep legislature's certification of the re-elected Rep president. That's exactly what will happen in the future if AZ sets the precedent to remove Biden. Look at how the Dems already abused the articles of impeachment.
Maybe the Supreme Court can review the fraud, which we shouldn't be comfortable with either, unless the body of evidence contains proof of foreign interference. Then it's a national security matter, which could be why Sydney Powell mentioned it early on.
So from here, I expect no removal of Biden through de-certification, but it will be a massive redpill. As more states find fraud, Biden becomes less legitimate in the eyes of normies and libs. Eventually, evidence of crimes will get him and a string of Dems impeached while devolution progresses.
I don't expect any one state to remove Joe Biden. Arizona taken out wouldn't remove enough electors. On the other hand, I do expect decertification from enough would be enough to create a sizable constitutional crisis, and spark a power struggle with the Federal government. I don't believe the SCOTUS has ANY place touching this; they certainly do not have authority to remove a sitting president.
If our constitutional roadmap is any guideline, there would be three significant ways of removing Biden.
1.) Congress. Impeachment. HIGHLY doubt that will happen, and if it doesn't it won't be over this.
2.) The rest of the executive branch tossing him out. Not really sure what that would be like, but I can see it happening and making a degree of logic. We're talking about a military usurpation here.
3.) States. Most of the abilities of the legislative branch are also held in some manner by the states themselves, directly. It would not be unreasonable to suppose that they could take action of a variety of kinds to effectively bypass congress and have proper constitutional authority; I mean, at the least (though this is a stretch), they have the power to amend the constitution without congressional involvement.
I don't personally see removal of Biden through de-certification alone either. No way in hell they'd just let it work like that. But that's not really what I want anyway; what I think we need is the power struggle itself; the decertification, the branding of illegitimacy. The value here is almost moreso in the fight than the chance of victory through those means alone.
One thing that is incredibly important to remember for all of us, that is so easily to forget, is that this is just one battle of a much much larger war. Wars aren't one by sending forces to only attack one objective at a time, until they get to the final objective. It's won by coordinating assaults across the front and providing support one battle to another. This is just one front we need to continue pressuring and forcing as much as possible; there are other fronts that need victory as well, and, God willing, by the time they all get to the final objectives, they'll be strong enough and united enough to achieve complete victory.
Agreed, the branding of illegitimacy is still valuable even if Biden isn't removed. Winning the support of the people and avoiding civil war was always a main priority of the white hats.
I think impeachment is the most realistic path based on Durham's findings. Remember, Biden was the last name of those who illegally unmasked Trump campaign members who were spied on. That alone won't justify impeachment, but it will provide Durham with warrants to investigate other crimes by Biden involving China and Ukraine that pair with emails from Hunter's laptop. Once those crimes are revealed, and the public regard him as illegitimate, their will be demand across the board for his impeachment.
Sounds to me like you're saying Military is the only way...