By forcing them to release the jab early, Trump forced them to do something they never thought they'd have to: Actually do science. He is making them test it in front of the whole world.
It's also a test. If you are willing to inject shit into your blood, they win.
Not only can they make you do anything, blood is really important to "them" and "their" rituals.
I thought of this as well. People keep asking for scientific proof, and they keep dancing around it - using force and intimidation to maintain momentum. Their plan will fail.
A scientific researcher. on Twatter said exactly this. They admitted in their own literature they discarded their "control group" as it was "unethical" to take chances of them contracting a virus with an almost 0 chance of dying. Now they need to remove the "control group" from the world.
This all sounds really complicated. The real reason people keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ is because they either do believe the bullshit that they’re somehow going to let us achieve 0 Covid and that Covid’s Ebola, and/or because there’s a shitton of money behind this pushing people to say that.
They’re not trying to eliminate the control group that would disprove the vaccines, they just believe Covid’s Ebola and that somehow if everyone gets jabbed we’ll have come together as a world and eradicated a virus. Considering we didn’t do that with influenza or other things that’s all bullshit though. Covid’s just another influenza now that skews differently and hits some people worse and some people less.
The lower-level people, yes. But the people at the top know what they're doing. That's how it always works: diabolical schemers at the top, useful idiots and paid-off crooks on the lower levels.
The elites who got saline know covid is an overblown flu. They go maskless at their events and have no fear. This tells you their pockets are being lined by big pharma to keep pushing this narrative.
I agree the lower level sheep are fully bought in to the narrative the MSM is pumping out.
He also forced them to release the “virus” early. This is why the “virus” does not exist EXCEPT on paper..
It’s all a lie..
And we all know the vaccine is full of shit..
They don’t want to be so obvious but they have NO choice-they are “programmed” once the “plan” is enacted no matter how awry it goes, they have to stick with it..
I always thought it odd that they proceeded as if NO ONE can see what they are doing. They know we can, they just cannot stop whatever their plan is..
I find it hard to believe that a virus doesn't exist. I do acknowledge that media and politicians messed with the reporting and PCR tests to amplify the numbers, but I'm fairly certain the virus is around and spreads. Some people got hit bad early on.
It is a method used to take small pieces of genetic material and amplify (copy) to make a larger sample..
They used beta coronavirus and influenza to calibrate the “test” as they did not have any samples of whatever this is..which is one of the many reasons why it has been d/c per the FDA..
But not until Dec. 2021..
Any information about this virus was put into a database by CHYNA and that is what they used..
I spoke with a scientist in my state about a year ago. She told me to her knowledge NO ONE in the state lab had isolated this virus..
Also, intubating people is killing people.. it used to be intubation was a last resort because it does so much damage but not anymore.. and they leave them on them for longer than they should..
It fucks up your lungs and can cause life long issues..
Family member works in a hospital on a fluvid floor where they are not recording vaccinated status only unvaccinated..
I don’t believe anything that they have said about this fake virus..
They always have several contingency plans but too many of seeing through their bs for any to work. It's only odd if you haven't noticed before, so I am glad you are.
By forcing them to release the jab early, Trump forced them to do something they never thought they'd have to: Actually do science. He is making them test it in front of the whole world.
Remember they wanted the lockdowns to last longer so everybody would willingly get the vax out of desperation to return to normal
Make everything so horrible that eventually communism would start to look more palatable.
It's also a test. If you are willing to inject shit into your blood, they win. Not only can they make you do anything, blood is really important to "them" and "their" rituals.
I thought of this as well. People keep asking for scientific proof, and they keep dancing around it - using force and intimidation to maintain momentum. Their plan will fail.
A scientific researcher. on Twatter said exactly this. They admitted in their own literature they discarded their "control group" as it was "unethical" to take chances of them contracting a virus with an almost 0 chance of dying. Now they need to remove the "control group" from the world.
This all sounds really complicated. The real reason people keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ is because they either do believe the bullshit that they’re somehow going to let us achieve 0 Covid and that Covid’s Ebola, and/or because there’s a shitton of money behind this pushing people to say that.
They’re not trying to eliminate the control group that would disprove the vaccines, they just believe Covid’s Ebola and that somehow if everyone gets jabbed we’ll have come together as a world and eradicated a virus. Considering we didn’t do that with influenza or other things that’s all bullshit though. Covid’s just another influenza now that skews differently and hits some people worse and some people less.
The lower-level people, yes. But the people at the top know what they're doing. That's how it always works: diabolical schemers at the top, useful idiots and paid-off crooks on the lower levels.
The elites who got saline know covid is an overblown flu. They go maskless at their events and have no fear. This tells you their pockets are being lined by big pharma to keep pushing this narrative.
I agree the lower level sheep are fully bought in to the narrative the MSM is pumping out.
Other than the timeline, it makes sense.
It seems we are about to hit the real test, where the first group will get reexposed to the same illness. That should be the ADE test?
He also forced them to release the “virus” early. This is why the “virus” does not exist EXCEPT on paper..
It’s all a lie..
And we all know the vaccine is full of shit..
They don’t want to be so obvious but they have NO choice-they are “programmed” once the “plan” is enacted no matter how awry it goes, they have to stick with it..
I always thought it odd that they proceeded as if NO ONE can see what they are doing. They know we can, they just cannot stop whatever their plan is..
It’s very odd, unnatural behavior to observe..
I find it hard to believe that a virus doesn't exist. I do acknowledge that media and politicians messed with the reporting and PCR tests to amplify the numbers, but I'm fairly certain the virus is around and spreads. Some people got hit bad early on.
The polymerase chain reaction is NOT a test.
It is a method used to take small pieces of genetic material and amplify (copy) to make a larger sample..
They used beta coronavirus and influenza to calibrate the “test” as they did not have any samples of whatever this is..which is one of the many reasons why it has been d/c per the FDA..
But not until Dec. 2021..
Any information about this virus was put into a database by CHYNA and that is what they used..
I spoke with a scientist in my state about a year ago. She told me to her knowledge NO ONE in the state lab had isolated this virus..
Also, intubating people is killing people.. it used to be intubation was a last resort because it does so much damage but not anymore.. and they leave them on them for longer than they should..
It fucks up your lungs and can cause life long issues..
Family member works in a hospital on a fluvid floor where they are not recording vaccinated status only unvaccinated..
I don’t believe anything that they have said about this fake virus..
Yes, it was supposed to be released towards the end of the war with China + Russia, similar to the Spanish Flu after WWI.
They never thought she would lose.
They always have several contingency plans but too many of seeing through their bs for any to work. It's only odd if you haven't noticed before, so I am glad you are.
Anyone noticed the Operation Warp speed looks like a Q.