I love Petter Amundsen's work. Very interesting, and I've tried to share it w as many of my family and friends as possible bc in school I didn't find Shakespeare very interesting or noteworthy, but if they had taught me this I would've sought out copies of the original texts (instead of the modernized crap they made us read) and wouldn't have been able to put it down. Likewise, I've now gone on to read everything I could find by Bacon and that has led me down some other fascinating rabbit holes.
Also, if u haven't already, be sure to check out Alan Green's decodes of Shakespeare: https://tobeornottobe.org/
Been working my way through the Shakespeare code videos. Vaguely remember Norman saying something along the lines of questioning who really was "Shakespeare" in a past post. Makes more sense now. Honestly never had much interest in Shakespeare, only enough to get a few answers right when the category comes up on Jeopardy! Will have to study more... seeing "What's past is prologue" at the end of the movie JFK sent my spidy senses tingling
After re re rereading Devolution for the nth time,
https://patelpatriot.substack.com/ (Parts 1 - 11)
And perusing The Law of War : The Storm again
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/2nA5mc9A62xS/ (Series 1 - 4 / and sub parts)
Take a break and try Cracking The Shakespeare Code
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNL0XODSMwU (Part 1 / 49 min / 35 sec)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT0EuyQ9lZs (Part 2 / 53 min, 50 sec)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubhfGcTsJYE (Part 3 / 52 min / 46 sec)
A, b, c, 1, 2, 3...
Rule 42 one more time.
Statements by Donald J. Trump.
Lions, and tigers, and bears... Oh, my!
cc: u/Magadeburger u/v8power
I love Petter Amundsen's work. Very interesting, and I've tried to share it w as many of my family and friends as possible bc in school I didn't find Shakespeare very interesting or noteworthy, but if they had taught me this I would've sought out copies of the original texts (instead of the modernized crap they made us read) and wouldn't have been able to put it down. Likewise, I've now gone on to read everything I could find by Bacon and that has led me down some other fascinating rabbit holes.
Also, if u haven't already, be sure to check out Alan Green's decodes of Shakespeare: https://tobeornottobe.org/
I must need some coffee, I misread that as Alan Greenspan.
Kindly consider that you (inadvertently I am very sure), said God's name in vain. Please amend this.
Been working my way through the Shakespeare code videos. Vaguely remember Norman saying something along the lines of questioning who really was "Shakespeare" in a past post. Makes more sense now. Honestly never had much interest in Shakespeare, only enough to get a few answers right when the category comes up on Jeopardy! Will have to study more... seeing "What's past is prologue" at the end of the movie JFK sent my spidy senses tingling
I cannot believe that it all got to freekin Oak Island... been watching that show for years always pissed that they seemingly never find anything 😒😂
yeah, too much goal post moving all the time here...