445 Can They Not Pass/Vote on the Infrastructure Bill Due to in the Law of War? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 years ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin +445 / -0 98 comments download share 98 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I've been wondering about this too. I just researched after your comment and it looks like maybe 41 bills have been signed into law this year. Maybe? I'm a smooth brain though and could use some more wrinkles from smarter folks: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/browse?congress=117&status=28,29,32,33
At first glance those seem like small potatoes bills, or ones that fit the welfare requirement with COVID/healthcare components
Are you crazy? That covid relief bill was 1.9 Trillion dollars!
Ah, didn’t realize that’s one of them.
I wonder if that counts as inhabitant welfare...
Although, there have been a ton of news stories near me about people not seeing any of that money. I wonder if it didn’t really take effect?
Everyone I know got it lol.
I personally know a lot of people that got PPP funds and that money.
Sure would be an interesting "movie" if they don't actually have the power to pass big bills.
Compare the numbers for previous years back to 1974...I know it is only 9 months in, but it is not even close....
And I have to laugh that it is the 117th Congress...oh that number.