Is your anus restless?
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I have IBS so yep 🤣
Is it newspeak for diarrhea? What’s next? Restless vagina syndrome for sluts?
This, I'll wait for!
Sounds like the title of a country song to me. :-P
They presented a case of someone sitting on their ass too long. Jfc. It got better with exercise.
Only with a runny tummy.
I hate it when my anus gets restless, but I'm old.
Cool... "restless leg syndrome" is horseshit designed to sell drugs.
This article refers to ONE 77 year old patient... I've had many elderly patients with reduced bowel control so this clown writes a whole article on this?
Check out the "medical" article by one of the co-writers.... he put corsets on beagles.
These guys are medical poseurs... it appears any moron can submit an article on PuMed.
Restless anus only exists in gay bathhouses.
Idk nuthin’ about gay bathhouses, Deo gratias, but RLS is legit...and a pain in the...
Mine gets restless every morning after I take my Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Omega-three-six-nine.
Like many of us, I have restless anus syndrome
I just had Buffalo wings.ill let them know how my anus is in the morning.
This story is full of shit. He just needs a good poop.
Only in the morning after fajita and tequila night
I had chili for dinner.
Personally, I consider my butt-hole quite "chill".
I'll bet Adam Schitt's anus is restless.
"If you build it, they will come". Wonder how long it took to come up with a billing code for this. Since it's Covid Related, will the government pay for this diagnosis, I wonder?