By now you understand that Vanguard owns about 30% of everything, including all the other big funds/banks. But we do not know who are the biggest investors/owners of Vanguard. If they are people subject to asset seizure, then those assets come under government control, and with the government under the control of (we the) people, you can forget about national debt, personal income taxes, etc. It would be the ultimate windfall tax - enough to cancel national debts.
It would be a revolution in government funding - Everyone would become co-owners of Vanguard, who own more than any other entity on Earth.
This comes up every few weeks on this board.
Vanguard is quite clear about their ownership. Vanguard is owned by their own mutual funds, and their mutual funds are owned by regular people in 401k plans, IRAs, etc. The reason Vanguard is listed as a major shareholder of many public companies is because their investing philosophy is to buy an index of everything that's available to buy, which has resulted in fair returns and low fees. The success of their mutual funds has attracted more and more people to their mutual funds.
Granted there are bound to be a great number of bad people that own some shares of Vanguard's mutual funds, but that does not prove that Vanguard itself is doing anything nefarious.
I’m tired of hearing about Vanguard as well. They have a significant amount of money due to their large number of clients using them. They have a high AUM or Assets under management.
Vanguard doesn’t own that money. They just hold it for their clients.
Thanks Fren
I always figured this was the plan. We seize big tech, Hollywood, TV, the medical industry, etc and the national debt goes away.
Well, it could absolutely be at the end of all this. To the victor go the spoils. And the assets of Vanguard would definitely be those spoils.
Blackrock and Vanguard, the reformation of the Rockefeller fortune from their 1920's fortune dispersal plan using 200 foundations is my logical ownership guess. Financial might makes right in the New World Order.
Their assets can be seized if they are child traffickers or abusers.
I want my 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗