Hello Pedes...my nieghbor had to get the jab or last friday was to be his last day, He typed up a paper with a few points on it:
- no opproved vaccine exists.
- restated his religious exemption.Bla,bla,bla but she said what did it was when she showed the Neuremburg code to her supervisor, guess he didnt want to put his kneck in the noose.
That I believe is the real beauty in this strategy. It gives an employer a legal out. And I am sure they will forward this on to their general counsel. Also, communication needs to be in writing, in the form of non digital correspondence that is hand delivered to HR. It is too easy to say an email was missed and not received. Make HR sign for the letter.
The forces behind the mandates war gamed this and knew religious and medical exemptions were going to be the main push back - drawing a line in the sand and then waiting to see who blinks first. I have said for months that refusals, for whatever grounds, was not a good winning strategy because it was exactly what they expected us to do and were prepared for it. We need to deflect the mandate and use informed consent laws. At the same time, this may actually wake some employers up when they find out they cannot actually provide this information because it does not exist, or if it does, is not on the side of "safe and effective."
Good luck.
Thanks for the great advice and the good luck wishes! Preparing this letter will also help me better formulate how to explain to people my anti-mandate position.
Honestly, it takes the vaxxed versus the antivaxxers issue off the table and diffuses the tribal bomb that the elites are throwing at us. Martial arts teaches to deflect an opponents energy in a different direction thereby causing them to be off balance and open. Same strategy, different venue.