Looking at the distribution by year there are reports as far back as 2014 (a little more than 100 total before 2020). I wish I could figure out how to see individual reports to see how those are being categorized as "covid-19 vaccine" reactions.
Did you also happen to see the distribution numbers? 50% of the reports are from Europe with the US at 38%. I am sure that the US numbers are dramatically underreported if VAERS is any indication. 39% are aged 18-44 followed by 31% aged 45-64. Women are 69% of the reports. Nervous system disorders appear to be the majority complaints at just shy of 1 million which is almost half of the reports. This is despite the fact that cardiac and blood disorders get most of the coverage of what is reported by main stream news. Could this be deliberate to deflect from where the real problems are lurking? Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders follow neurological issues and I am sure there is a common link between the two.
Since these are strictly voluntary reports, its difficult to say how much of this due to actual gender reaction differences and how much is due to social gender differences (men complain about pain less frequently than women e.g. (at least publicly)).
Nervous system disorders appear to be the majority complaints at just shy of 1 million which is almost half of the reports
Each individual report can have multiple "adverse reactions". That doesn't negate the statement, but it is necessary context to keep in mind.
This is despite the fact that cardiac and blood disorders get most of the coverage of what is reported by main stream news.
Looking at the breakdown of the "nervous system" reactions, about 2/3rds were "headache." A headache by itself is hardly surprising, and is a very likely outcome for any proper immune reaction (getting sick from a real virus, a "good" reaction to a real vaccine, etc.). Headaches to me are not concerning at all (as a statistical data point).
Most of the nervous systems disorders are really not that bad. Some are of course, and there may be long term nervous system effects (multiple sclerosis e.g.) caused by the autoimmune nature of these immunotherapies.
Its important to separate these two types of responses though, and recognize the likely impacts of each. Many (though not all) of the cardiovascular issues are caused by an attack of the spike protein on the ACE-2 receptor. While both types of responses can be debilitating, one is an immune response, the other is a toxin attack (in this case a venom since it is an injected toxin).
Could this be deliberate to deflect from where the real problems are lurking?
I don't think so. I think the reports give reasonably good statistics, but like all statistics you have to dig, and you have to recognize the regime that they are reporting. In this case they are only reporting short term effects. Long term effects require actual study and of course time. Both of these are currently insufficient in general, without any specific mal-intent outside of the general evil of the whole endeavor.
I am sure that the US numbers are dramatically underreported if VAERS is any indication.
I imagine the underreporting rate is similar in both regions and all reaction types (that second may not be true). My guess is it is around 10-20 times underreported based on what info I have been able to put together. Its an educated guess, but only a guess.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders follow neurological issues and I am sure there is a common link between the two.
These particular nervous system disorders are relatively rare by the numbers (at least short term reactions). While there is evidence these have occurred, and they will likely occur in the long term, they are still not in the same scope as the cardiovascular issues (toxin v. immune reaction) according to the data.
Thank you for your reply. I do understand that there could be several categories listed for a single report. That being said, these numbers are still extremely alarming when considering the fact that the real numbers could be higher by a factor of 10-20 times as you stated.
The fact that more women suffer from adverse vax reactions does not surprise me and I think this is a fairly reasonable reflection. Women are more likely to suffer neurological, autoimmune complications, and musculoskeletal complications, such as fibromyalgia, MS, and CFS. So, an approximate 2 to 1 reporting of women to men does not seem out of line considering the types of categories reported. When considering neurological complications due to things like CVA, there is crossover. The system is not designed to be precise, but as you stated, the statistics are reasonable and they do follow what we would expect to see in this type of distribution pattern. I should have stated that the side effects associated with the initial administration, such as sore arm, mild headaches, etc, was not my focus. There is a reason why there is a separate category for those types of milder reactions. These reporting systems are supposed to be an early warning system for vaxxine adverse reactions. The systems are doing their job - it is just that the information is being ignored by those with another agenda.
As far as "headaches" and "nervous system disorders" being "not that bad," I beg to differ. I have worked with many patients that suffered from a variety of those conditions due to vaxxine or drug injury and they were far from not being that bad. In many cases they were life altering and devastating. Vaxxine injuries that impact the nervous system can be severe. One only needs to look at the explosion in autistic spectrum disorders to know that something is terribly wrong. (This is one area where the boys outnumber the girls substantially.)
Some conditions, such as Bell's Palsy, are often self limiting and will resolve over time - but it no fun for the person that is afflicted with it. Shingles is not exactly a walk in the park either. My brother, 6 months post vax with rapid onset shingles, still cannot where a shirt and his skin is scarred. The more severe autoimmune and nervous system disorders as a result of vaxxine injury are often permanent and disabling and the vast majority of those that suffer from these injuries are women. We should not make the mistake of downplaying these injuries or the people that suffer from them like the press and government officials are often guilty of.
Deaths are not reported and that must also be taken into consideration when assessing the demographics by age. The reason the geriatric age group is lower could be due to the victim actually succumbing to the vax while their death is attributed to some other cause such as old age or cancer. So all of this must be taken with a grain of salt. My assessment of this report was only cursory, but I have worked in public health medical research so this information does not seem out of line with what I would expect to see given the demographics and conditions reported. It is just that the actual numbers would be higher across the board.
When scanning the symptoms and conditions of the report, which is not a perfect system and is similar to VAERS, I stand by my original assessment of neuro and skeletal muscular issues being the most reported and could cover several categories. I also believe that those numbers are only going to increase as time passes due to a later manifestation of certain types of neurological and autoimmune related conditions and their often delayed diagnosis - such as MS. We will not know the full impact of these more chronic conditions possibly for several years - although we are starting to see rapid onset MS and an increase in brain tumors and other types of new cancers or recurrent cancers that had been in remission. Unfortunately, most of this increase is not being connected to the jabs. The oncologists for the most part, have drank the Kool-Aid.
My point about the media reporting is that the cardiac and blood clotting adverse events appear to be taking center stage because they are often acute situations. Neurological disorders and the like, which can be acute but may also take time to manifest, are underreported in the news compared to the more headline grabbing heart and blood stories. The majority of the events in this report acute situations so I find the numbers alarming - considering this may only be the tip of a very big iceberg when the more chronic conditions begin to manefest. Since we know the media is a captured operation and is owned by Pharma, their choice in which adverse reactions they report to me always must be viewed with a bit of skepticism. Thank you again for taking the time to respond. Next time I will be clearer with my explanations. Have a great week.
As far as "headaches" and "nervous system disorders" being "not that bad," I beg to differ.
I said specifically "as a statistical data point," not as an anecdote. Headache on a VAERS report could be anything from a mild inflammatory response, which would be expected for many vaccinations, real vaccine or otherwise, to brain cancer.
Vaxxine injuries that impact the nervous system can be severe.
I agree, but you won't find the statistical inference on those injuries in the "headache" column. You will find it in the other checkboxes on the same report. That is why "headache" as a statistical data point is mostly meaningless (for the purposes of analytics of injury severity, which is what we are discussing).
We should not make the mistake of downplaying these injuries or the people that suffer from them like the press and government officials are often guilty of.
I am looking at it from the perspective of extracting inference from the statistics (aka analysis of the data). It is important to understand the dataset in order to extract accurate inference. Looking at a catch all column for which the most likely outcome is "mild" is not meaningful for this purpose. You must look deeper into the data (the other checkboxes as mentioned above). What I am not doing is saying that all headaches are meaningless. I am not saying that at all. I am saying you must understand the dataset to get good analysis.
The oncologists for the most part, have drank the Kool-Aid
The oncologists ARE the Kool-Aid. Medicine as it is taught has little to do with health and everything to do with treatment. The medical industry was taken over in the early 20th century by the Rockefeller Foundation. All medicine is taught as allopathy. We have been taught to shun (shame) all other forms of health learning and research.
The Rockefellers own all of big pharma. They own all of the radiation machines. They own (or fund) all the medical schools, they own the AMA, they own the regulatory agencies, they own all the hospitals, they own the insurance companies, they own everything that exchanges a dollar in medicine. They founded allopathy as the primary source of medical teaching because they own all the money making sources derived from it.
We are 100% molecular machines derived 100% from food. "You are what you eat" is the most true statement that can be made about the human body. Yet despite this fact, nutrition is not taught in medical school at all. Whole body health is completely ignored. Non-pharmaceutical remedies (nutrition or other natural substances) are never researched outside of academia because you can't get funding for it from the primary funding sources (all owned by the Rockefellers), nor can you patent it, meaning no money can be made on it.
The basics of a doctors education is in biology, but they barely touch some of the more important parts of it (on the micro scale) as it relates to human health (in cell and molecular biology and molecular physiology). Only pharmaceuticals are taught in medical school, and doctors are told to rely on pharma reports for all their information on them. They are taught to hand over their critical thinking in cell and molecular biology and drug/receptor interactions over to pharma. That doesn't mean that all doctors follow this, and I know several that look much deeper into pharmaceuticals before prescribing them, but this is how it is taught. This is the medical establishment in a nutshell.
Sorry for the rant, but I have been disgusted with the medical community for a long time having worked with several doctors in my research. It is only recently that my (GA) research has led me to the reason for my disgust (Rockefellers).
Since we know the media is a captured operation and is owned by Pharma, their choice in which adverse reactions they report to me always must be viewed with a bit of skepticism.
Looking at the distribution by year there are reports as far back as 2014 (a little more than 100 total before 2020). I wish I could figure out how to see individual reports to see how those are being categorized as "covid-19 vaccine" reactions.
Did you also happen to see the distribution numbers? 50% of the reports are from Europe with the US at 38%. I am sure that the US numbers are dramatically underreported if VAERS is any indication. 39% are aged 18-44 followed by 31% aged 45-64. Women are 69% of the reports. Nervous system disorders appear to be the majority complaints at just shy of 1 million which is almost half of the reports. This is despite the fact that cardiac and blood disorders get most of the coverage of what is reported by main stream news. Could this be deliberate to deflect from where the real problems are lurking? Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders follow neurological issues and I am sure there is a common link between the two.
Since these are strictly voluntary reports, its difficult to say how much of this due to actual gender reaction differences and how much is due to social gender differences (men complain about pain less frequently than women e.g. (at least publicly)).
Each individual report can have multiple "adverse reactions". That doesn't negate the statement, but it is necessary context to keep in mind.
Looking at the breakdown of the "nervous system" reactions, about 2/3rds were "headache." A headache by itself is hardly surprising, and is a very likely outcome for any proper immune reaction (getting sick from a real virus, a "good" reaction to a real vaccine, etc.). Headaches to me are not concerning at all (as a statistical data point).
Most of the nervous systems disorders are really not that bad. Some are of course, and there may be long term nervous system effects (multiple sclerosis e.g.) caused by the autoimmune nature of these immunotherapies.
Its important to separate these two types of responses though, and recognize the likely impacts of each. Many (though not all) of the cardiovascular issues are caused by an attack of the spike protein on the ACE-2 receptor. While both types of responses can be debilitating, one is an immune response, the other is a toxin attack (in this case a venom since it is an injected toxin).
I don't think so. I think the reports give reasonably good statistics, but like all statistics you have to dig, and you have to recognize the regime that they are reporting. In this case they are only reporting short term effects. Long term effects require actual study and of course time. Both of these are currently insufficient in general, without any specific mal-intent outside of the general evil of the whole endeavor.
I imagine the underreporting rate is similar in both regions and all reaction types (that second may not be true). My guess is it is around 10-20 times underreported based on what info I have been able to put together. Its an educated guess, but only a guess.
These particular nervous system disorders are relatively rare by the numbers (at least short term reactions). While there is evidence these have occurred, and they will likely occur in the long term, they are still not in the same scope as the cardiovascular issues (toxin v. immune reaction) according to the data.
Thank you for your reply. I do understand that there could be several categories listed for a single report. That being said, these numbers are still extremely alarming when considering the fact that the real numbers could be higher by a factor of 10-20 times as you stated.
The fact that more women suffer from adverse vax reactions does not surprise me and I think this is a fairly reasonable reflection. Women are more likely to suffer neurological, autoimmune complications, and musculoskeletal complications, such as fibromyalgia, MS, and CFS. So, an approximate 2 to 1 reporting of women to men does not seem out of line considering the types of categories reported. When considering neurological complications due to things like CVA, there is crossover. The system is not designed to be precise, but as you stated, the statistics are reasonable and they do follow what we would expect to see in this type of distribution pattern. I should have stated that the side effects associated with the initial administration, such as sore arm, mild headaches, etc, was not my focus. There is a reason why there is a separate category for those types of milder reactions. These reporting systems are supposed to be an early warning system for vaxxine adverse reactions. The systems are doing their job - it is just that the information is being ignored by those with another agenda.
As far as "headaches" and "nervous system disorders" being "not that bad," I beg to differ. I have worked with many patients that suffered from a variety of those conditions due to vaxxine or drug injury and they were far from not being that bad. In many cases they were life altering and devastating. Vaxxine injuries that impact the nervous system can be severe. One only needs to look at the explosion in autistic spectrum disorders to know that something is terribly wrong. (This is one area where the boys outnumber the girls substantially.)
Some conditions, such as Bell's Palsy, are often self limiting and will resolve over time - but it no fun for the person that is afflicted with it. Shingles is not exactly a walk in the park either. My brother, 6 months post vax with rapid onset shingles, still cannot where a shirt and his skin is scarred. The more severe autoimmune and nervous system disorders as a result of vaxxine injury are often permanent and disabling and the vast majority of those that suffer from these injuries are women. We should not make the mistake of downplaying these injuries or the people that suffer from them like the press and government officials are often guilty of.
Deaths are not reported and that must also be taken into consideration when assessing the demographics by age. The reason the geriatric age group is lower could be due to the victim actually succumbing to the vax while their death is attributed to some other cause such as old age or cancer. So all of this must be taken with a grain of salt. My assessment of this report was only cursory, but I have worked in public health medical research so this information does not seem out of line with what I would expect to see given the demographics and conditions reported. It is just that the actual numbers would be higher across the board.
When scanning the symptoms and conditions of the report, which is not a perfect system and is similar to VAERS, I stand by my original assessment of neuro and skeletal muscular issues being the most reported and could cover several categories. I also believe that those numbers are only going to increase as time passes due to a later manifestation of certain types of neurological and autoimmune related conditions and their often delayed diagnosis - such as MS. We will not know the full impact of these more chronic conditions possibly for several years - although we are starting to see rapid onset MS and an increase in brain tumors and other types of new cancers or recurrent cancers that had been in remission. Unfortunately, most of this increase is not being connected to the jabs. The oncologists for the most part, have drank the Kool-Aid.
My point about the media reporting is that the cardiac and blood clotting adverse events appear to be taking center stage because they are often acute situations. Neurological disorders and the like, which can be acute but may also take time to manifest, are underreported in the news compared to the more headline grabbing heart and blood stories. The majority of the events in this report acute situations so I find the numbers alarming - considering this may only be the tip of a very big iceberg when the more chronic conditions begin to manefest. Since we know the media is a captured operation and is owned by Pharma, their choice in which adverse reactions they report to me always must be viewed with a bit of skepticism. Thank you again for taking the time to respond. Next time I will be clearer with my explanations. Have a great week.
I said specifically "as a statistical data point," not as an anecdote. Headache on a VAERS report could be anything from a mild inflammatory response, which would be expected for many vaccinations, real vaccine or otherwise, to brain cancer.
I agree, but you won't find the statistical inference on those injuries in the "headache" column. You will find it in the other checkboxes on the same report. That is why "headache" as a statistical data point is mostly meaningless (for the purposes of analytics of injury severity, which is what we are discussing).
I am looking at it from the perspective of extracting inference from the statistics (aka analysis of the data). It is important to understand the dataset in order to extract accurate inference. Looking at a catch all column for which the most likely outcome is "mild" is not meaningful for this purpose. You must look deeper into the data (the other checkboxes as mentioned above). What I am not doing is saying that all headaches are meaningless. I am not saying that at all. I am saying you must understand the dataset to get good analysis.
The oncologists ARE the Kool-Aid. Medicine as it is taught has little to do with health and everything to do with treatment. The medical industry was taken over in the early 20th century by the Rockefeller Foundation. All medicine is taught as allopathy. We have been taught to shun (shame) all other forms of health learning and research.
The Rockefellers own all of big pharma. They own all of the radiation machines. They own (or fund) all the medical schools, they own the AMA, they own the regulatory agencies, they own all the hospitals, they own the insurance companies, they own everything that exchanges a dollar in medicine. They founded allopathy as the primary source of medical teaching because they own all the money making sources derived from it.
We are 100% molecular machines derived 100% from food. "You are what you eat" is the most true statement that can be made about the human body. Yet despite this fact, nutrition is not taught in medical school at all. Whole body health is completely ignored. Non-pharmaceutical remedies (nutrition or other natural substances) are never researched outside of academia because you can't get funding for it from the primary funding sources (all owned by the Rockefellers), nor can you patent it, meaning no money can be made on it.
The basics of a doctors education is in biology, but they barely touch some of the more important parts of it (on the micro scale) as it relates to human health (in cell and molecular biology and molecular physiology). Only pharmaceuticals are taught in medical school, and doctors are told to rely on pharma reports for all their information on them. They are taught to hand over their critical thinking in cell and molecular biology and drug/receptor interactions over to pharma. That doesn't mean that all doctors follow this, and I know several that look much deeper into pharmaceuticals before prescribing them, but this is how it is taught. This is the medical establishment in a nutshell.
Sorry for the rant, but I have been disgusted with the medical community for a long time having worked with several doctors in my research. It is only recently that my (GA) research has led me to the reason for my disgust (Rockefellers).
No argument from me on this.